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It's me

The Dork

I'm going to list some stuff about myself so you guys know me better I guess

1) I love cats, not that big of a fan of dogs

2) Rick and Morty is the sHiT

3) If you know me irl, you know I can act like I took almost all of the drugs currently existing in the world. I can also be the edgiest piece of shit and extremely serious when I want to be.

4) I like mint chip icecream

5) Fuck nuts I hate them

6) I'm Bi

7) My spirit animal is a Raccoon

8) meems are my secret to being an idiot

9) I listen to Fall Out Boy, Panic! At The Disco, and Twenty One Pilots

10) I like Pink Guy's songs (don't judge me pls some of his songs are actually relatable)

11) I fucking love my friends, I'd take a bullet for you guys anytime ✌🏽

12) I am extremely loyal

13) I am very in love with Phan (IT'S MY OTP)

14) My favorite movie is Big Hero 6

15) I love Cola!

I guess that's a good start?

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