Prelude: the mysterious soldier

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Hello everyone and welcome to this massive story that has been in the works for over a year now... and only had just now gotten the courage to write it down on paper.

The story came to be after the release of Fire Emblem Fates last year. I played through all three story arcs of the game and became inspired by thoughts of an au.

This story takes the aspect of family from the games, however, I did change up the story in a way. At first in the earliest stages it was a crossover, then I began adding more depth and changing a lot in the story line,

I switched character roles in this story, a TON, and eventually morphed it into the au it is today. This story is basically, INSPIRED by the storyline of fates, it is not a crossover like it started as and contains only a few elements from the game trilogy. In fact it's changed so much that even if you've never heard of or played the game its inspired by, you could read this story on your own and enjoy it just as much.

enough of my babbling, I would like to dedicate this story to my Best Friend, who has been my best friend for over 14 years this year, and was the one who really inspired me into watching sailor moon as she was a fan long before I was (and now bc of her I'm obsessive)

so now I introduce you to Requiem of Roses!


There was no weather on Nemesis. The bleak desolate planet on the outskirts of the Silver Millennium was an enigma and often referred to, as the black moon by those living from afar. The kingdom in itself was the opposite of the shining beacon of the empire its neighboring towards, the planet almost dead, unliving and bleak. Forests of still, unmoving and darkened trees, most of which fossilized from the millions of years or the planet's ozone retreating into the cosmos.

The light of the two shining stars known as Hypherma and Calysta lit up the sky in a dull glow, the light shining off the trees and giving a eerie blue glow to the dead planet, the walls of a deteriorating castle glowing briefly with the same light. Within the castle walls was the ruins of a kingdom that existed eons ago, the walls crumbled and tapestries suspended with age.

It was here a woman lay clutching a sack close to her breast, her pencil scribbling notes into her notebook frantically as she passed glances at the world around her. The unnamed woman clutched the bundle close to her as she sat up, the almost absence of oxygen already making her feel lightheaded being on the surface of the ruined planet. She stiffened, feeling the sack squirming a little in her grip, the soft cries of a small baby filling the silent air as the infant had some issues as well with the ozone filled air.

The woman hissed, covering the infant's nose with her cloak to mask some of the planetary gases as she pocketed her notebook and threw the pencil on the ground. Moving quickly and ignoring the sluggishness, she contemplated going back on the ship and finishing her duty in bringing the baby to her destination, however, the thoughts of the situation and guilt heavily nagged at her for even doing so in the first place.

She stopped briefly, glancing down at the almost newborn with sympathy.

The baby was only three weeks old, her face was scrunched up in her sleep and her breathing was strong, but the woman could tell the little one had trouble maintaining the force that kept her breathing on this plane. She knew very well that if the gate wasn't found soon, the baby's life was in serious danger, and quite possibly her own life as well if found.

Jolted with a newfound energy, the woman walked down the many corridors of the castle ruins, her eyes scanning the area looking for any sign of any field of energy that would even come close to being the gate to the planet's clan. It wasn't ideal, bringing a newborn to a planet regarded as the barbaric black moon.

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