What good

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What good are your twisting words, philosopher?

To a heart born broken and empty

Who I am, why I am, now I am,

Are questions as pointless as their answers

What good is your science, physicist?

To the ones who do not care for how

it all rises and it all falls

to the dust from whence it came

And you, story teller. You liar

You're the biggest fucking cunt of all

ensnaring the fools with their own imaginations

Crushing them with disappointment and standing faultless

innocently triumphant and smiling sadly

upon the pain you share

What good is your love God?

If it can not hold these souls to their own existance

What good is your indifference, universe?

Turning and twisting wordlessly. Endlessly.

All but a game of words

What good is any of it?

Only as good as you allow it to be

And so some laugh and dance and live

While others watch beyond the curtain

watching in sad desperation and resentment

and wondering how they wandered over, unable to pass back

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