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yall i have a writers block and now im frustrated. this doesn't mean im going on a hiatus, though. ill try to upload new chapters for a lot of books because i haven't updated a few of 'em in a while. the chapters are just gonna be even worse than normal. anyways if u have recommendations for stories id love to hear them because i want to write more. 

im currently writing new chapters for suga-r so dw people that actually enjoyed that book, you'll have your updates soon. ill try to update instagram too because im pretty sure that only has one chapter and that chapter is really short. ill let yall know if im updating anything else so that u can get excited about it. ill try to make them less shitty and more okay-ish.

please dont forget to comment your story ideas, only if you wont be using them yourself of course. 

if you've had writers block before please tell me if theres anything i can do about it, i need the tips. 

oh also dont forget to deliver your forms soon if u applied for text me, u still have some time to apply if you want to lmao. im just thirsty for forms because im excited for the story lmao. 

that was about it i think, have a nice day!

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