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Why do people have to be selfish?
Do they not see the pain others face?
They think their life is so bad
Hat they have it way worse then others

But can they truly see what others face?
Other people don't have parents too care for them
Others worry about having food
Others don't complain

So why are people always complaining?
Complaining about not having the latest IPhone
Complaining about not having new clothes
Complaining because your parents couldn't buy you this

I always try to be thankful for what I got
And I try not to complain
Because I know my isn't perfect
But it could be worse
Guys please be thankful for what you have because it might disappear one day and you wish you could have it back. Life might get hard sometimes but just think you could be in a worse situation then you are already in. I have a close friend that wishes he/she could have a better life than they have but doesn't complain because they know that it won't happen. So please be thankful. ❤️ gemini_baby5

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