my rainy day

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My rainy day

You off with your job. Walk to station bus suddenly rain.

You : omo!! Not today have to be rain. I forgot to bring my umbrella. What should I do? Whispering

The bus station stuck with people. You cant sit or stay at the station. All people think you are crazy because fooling around with raining.

Suddenly give you an umbrella and share with him.

You : gwenchanayo... pull the umbrella.

L : not talk.. he pass you the umbrella and he walk straight.

You : what he doing?! I don't know his name or his phone number.

You just let him walk straight. You where confused how to give it back to that man.

The next day.

you wake up and run into to rack.

You : omo... that's mean im not dreaming meet with the man.

You prepare yourself take a bath wearing nice and pretty tshirt and go to your working place. And waiting to go home.

You : always look at the clock. This is the time.. smile with happy face reaction.

Turn left then turn right your head. People whispered to each others.

You : wei? Mocking to people around

People : Micheoseo? Look young but crazy behavior.

You : omo.. why you really care?? Mock you tounge.

People : pabo !

You cant stand about the people say you a crazy. You want to hit the people but L came and make you calm down.

L : smiling at you

You : omo! My fairy prince

L : smiling again and leave you alone again.

You : no words to say.. the umbrella you hold with so tight.

You : jinjja.... ottoke..wei..wei?? Talk yourself.

The bus is coming, your ride the bus but still thinking about that. When you arrive at home.

You : you put the umbrella on the rack.

You go to prepare yourself for make dinner. After yoi finish ate. You go to bedroom for sleep.

You : lay down your body. Who's that man?Suddenly uour head so itchy and you scratch.

You : I will be crazy if im thinking about the man. Take yourself.

You hit you head with umbrella.

You : YN... pabo ya! Why you forget about the umbrella. Watch closely the umbrella.

People start calling you crazy because talking to yourself.

People : crazy young lady . They make some reaction that mention a crazy girl.

You : ya!! Go home and take yourself first. You can control yourself for saying bad words.

You go home like a kid got candy and jumping. When you arrive at home this time you bring the umbrella into your room.

You : ya...! I think my heart belong to your man (you mean L)

Now you start talking to the umbrella. Even you take a bath you bring that thing.

You : let's eat now.. you say it to umbrella. You smile so bright.

You : omo.. ottoke, forgot to ask your name?

That thing not answering you. You made a name for the umbrella.

You : I will call you L.. in your mind. Ottoke? I forgot to ask his name. Smiling when you remember his smile at his face.

You : mogo.. you eat with smile still in your face.

When you finish to eat. Your ready for sleep. You bring the umbrella sleep beside you.

You : let's sleep now. Annyeong. Pull the blanket for the umbrella.

The next day. You wake up and prepare to go work again. Put the umbrella inside the handbag.

Waiting for off work. Clock still ticking to the time. When the last ticking clocck will make a sound.

You : yeah! Today I will make it sure to ask his name and give it back his umbrella.

Walk with faster. Look at clock again. When you arrive at the station bus to see you write a list what should you ask him

You : ok.. im done with my questions

To was so bad day you wait for L for whole day night but he didn't come.

You : sad face. Why he not come today?? Weiyou? Ask to the umbrella.

You want to throw the umbrella but feel sad about it.

You : mianhae... I dont mean it. Hug the umbrella. Gada~~ let's back home now. Smile.

People who passing by there totally look weird about you. You didnt care about pupils. When you arrive at home, you do the same thing.

You : let's sleep now.. when you try to pull the blanket.

L : he look you into the eyes

You : omo! When you came to house? Who let you in?

L : you the one let me in.

You : confused.. get out... you should sleep outside not at my bed.

L : smiling at you and he stand up to go outside.

You : blushing touch your cheeck

You give him a pair of blankets for L use it.

You : sleep outside and I'm inside. Annyeong.

L : smile like a fairy prince

When morning came. You woke up earlier to see L face.

You walk to living room. To hide too see L face in a morning.

You : smile and so excited about to see his face.

When you try to find him. The blanket being so tidy.

You : where are you? Talk yourself

Turn around your head to find him but still couldn't find him.

You : im dreaming mybe whisper and pout ing your mouth.

Something smell good from kitchen. Your run to kitchen.

You : you here?!? Slap your face to make it believe.

L : just give his bright smile. He pull you and let you seat.

You : mogo.. let's eat.

While you eat you feel so happy and just eat delicious food.

You : jinjja... you are good cooker. You want to smile and give him thumbs up but he dissappear.

You : where are you?? Oh not again he leave me alone here, and always to ask something.

You : never mind he will be at station bus waiting for me. Smile and rush going to work.

Clock ticking and ticking. You don't have a feeling to do your work. The time comes the sounds out loud.

You look at the mirror to put some make at your face.

You : aigoo.. look at me I was so beautiful today. Put all the make in your bag and walk.

At station bus. You stand up at the corner waiting for L

You : look at the watch again. Where he is? Closed your eyes hoping he will be in front of you.

L : appear with his beautiful smile, with puppy eyes.

You : pink face. Now you can see his clear face and his dimple.

L : hold your hands and smile again

You : not to stop. your heart like too jump out.

L : he touch your forehead. Appo?

You : ani.. im good not sick

People cant stand to see your actions

People: Annyeonghaseyo. . Are you ok? Ask to you.

You : dont you know how to respect my friend?

People : where is your friend?

You : aigoo! Are you blind ahjumma?

L : smile and make you calm.

People : somethings not good.. you better see the doctor.

You : pull L going somewhere.

People : poor lady..

You : mianhae. .. bowing to him

L : touch your head and smile.

You : may I know your name.?

L : you already give me a name

You : confused.. onje? When did I do that? L : at the night when we have a dinner together. Smile

You still confused but you just say yes what he say. When you go home you start to thinking about what he told you.

this is the end   for the story

my rainy day

after a few weeks later, L no longer appear in your life. you feel lonely, everything works in your office can not prepare. you just have to go figure out where are L. sudden heavy rains, you take shelter under a tree. while removing umbrellas belonging to L.

you : why did the rain today? close your eyes and hope L will have in front of you.

L : he shut your eyes with his hands.

you : touch his hand. his hands was so soft, like a newborn baby.

L : only the most beautiful smile to you.

you : where did you go? i miss you so much "hugging L "

L : hug you too closely.

you : why you just be quiet? answer me

L : you are not asking me to appear in yourself.

you : im confusing, why i didnt want you to appear in my life?

L : do not ask with your eyes closed. he just smile

you : right too, I never turn a blind eye and ask him to come to me. talk in your heart.

L : he pull your hands and bring you somewhere.

you : where we going?

L : smiles. a very beautiful place, just for the two of us alone.

you : really? place what it is? tell me the name of the place is.

L : it's a secret.

you : secret, I hope very place that there is only the two of us. holds L hands tight.

L : let me closed your eyes.

you : ne~~

L lead your hand to the head. after a few minutes she allows you to open the eyes.

you : open your eyes. you feel overwhelmed, until you cry in the L arms.

L : don't cry.. this is my present for knowing you.

a garden full of beautiful flowers and fragrant. the sound of rain drizzle. you just can't stop to sobbed.

you : L why are you getting blurry shadow? start to cry again.

L : wave at you, and say goodbye to you.

suddenly your hear omma voice.

omma : YN.. are you okey! why you crying..? mother hit you at shoulder with soft.

You : omma... where is the garden?? where is L??

omma : are you crazY?? wake up now! or you will be late to work?!throw the pillow to you.

you : what?? it's just a dream?? you wipe the tears a falling down.

getting ready to go to work, you find on the shelf umbrella. umbrella is gone, now you realize you just dream about that. while you wait for the bus to get to work, overcast clouds and rain began to fall slowly. a handsome young man past in front of you, as he is in your dreams. you smile to it, maybe he is my soul mate.

this is the end 

sorry if you didnt understand about this story  -bowing- sorry mianhae

admin unnie ^_^

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2017 ⏰

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