Chapter 2: Lucifer meets the parents

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"I summoned Lucifer, the Devil while drunk. Well that is great." I looked at the creature himself and he still had only a towel around his waist. "Please put on some clothes."

"From where?"

"Like I know? You are the King of Hell; can you conjure them up or something?"

"Da—dangit and here I was thinking you were going to go get me some." He snapped his fingers and he was now wearing a coat of leather, some strange shoes that said converse on the side, and ripped blue pants.

"Oh, good grief you look like a peasant. Mother and father will kick you out of the castle if you look like this. Can you do anything less common?" He rolled his eyes and snapped his fingers again.

"Better?" It was. He now had on trousers, a cloak, brown leather riding boots, and a loosely fitted white shirt.

"Much, now wait here. I need to go tell Mother and Father we have a guest joining us for breakfast."

"Hey Doll Face," I turned around and clenched my teeth to avoid clenching my fist.


"Grab me a cake or something while you're gone. I'm in the mood for something..." he looked me up and down, "sweet."

"Just stay here. If anyone sees you I will have you arrested and hung for trespassing and abusing the crown princess."

"Don't forget Doll it was you who summoned me. I could be wreaking havoc on mankind right now, instead I'm stuck here with the little lamb." I quickly left my room without asking him what he meant by lamb. I began heading to the wing my cousin Elijah shared with my aunt.

"Stop right there young lady." I refused to turn around for fear of beheading. The glare tore into my resistance though and I was forced to face her. Cassia's face was not one of amusement; I began praying to every higher power that she had not found out I borrowed her book. "Mary where do—what is that on your feet?" I looked down and then realized that I had not been wearing shoes and managed to leave a bloody trail behind me. The cake would have to wait, I was not crossing my aunt. Demons were nothing compared to angry witches.

"My feet?" I was going to feign innocence and if all else failed, run. "I must have spilled some paint on my floor last night and accidentally stepped in it. I had no idea, and I apologize for the mess. If you will excuse me though I must get going, princess duties and all. Have a splendid day." I turned to run but was halted again.

"Wait!" I held my breath and started praying for the second time. "Have you seen a book? It's ancient, a family heirloom. I seem to have misplaced but I've looked all over my workroom and can't seem to find it." Well she knew it was missing.

"A book? No I cannot say I have seen it. Perhaps you should ask Elijah he is always telling me about how interested he is in your magic." Blaming my younger may not have been the best choice, but he was often my scapegoat. After she nodded in a dazed manner I ran off again to find my parents.

My mother and father were in their sitting room where we often entertained guests; it was between the dining room and their private quarters. "Marianna stop right there before you wreak more havoc on the floor. Jane!" She was the head housekeeper and shared my mother's obsession of keeping the castle spotless.

"Yes, your majesty?"

"Please have someone clean the floors. Marianna seems to have left a red trail from her room."

"Right away Your Majesty." Jane bowed and left me alone with an angry mother and oblivious father. This had been their state around me for as long as I can remember.

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