Nothing but butt

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"I want to touch it." Joseph thought while staring at Sebastian's butt. "Just one little touch, it's not like it's going to kill me right?" Joseph thought again but he was sadly mistaken. Walking behind Sebastian as quietly as he could he stood there for a moment admiring it before making the worst decision of his life. "JOSEPH!!" Sebastian yelled turning around to face a red faced Joseph who was contemplating his most recent decision. "You have five seconds." Seb said pointing towards the open office door. Joseph ran as fast as he could out the door and around there house. "I'm sorry, I won't do it again!" Joseph yelled while he looked behind him only to notice Sebastian was gaining on him. "You're going to be when I catch you!" Sebastian said painting clearly running out of breath. It wasn't long before Sebastian caught up to Joseph and talked him to the floor. Both painting and out of breath stare into each other's eyes. "That was fun wasn't it?" Sebastian said inching closer to Joseph's face to were their noses almost touched. "For who?" Joseph said closing the space between them. A tender kiss was shared between the both of them before Joseph pulled away. "Does this mean you're not mad at me anymore?" Joseph asked with a light chuckle. "I'm still mad." Sebastian said once again pressing his lips against Josephs. "Is this my punishment?" Joseph asked pulling away once again. "Maybe." Sebastian said standing up and Holding out a hand for Joseph. Joseph grabbed his hand cautiously but Sebastian pulled him into his chest picking him up and wrapping Joseph's legs around his waist. "I might do that more often if this is my punishment." Joseph said chuckling placing his hands on the back of his neck. "Night Seb." Joseph said pulling the covers over his torso. "Night." Sebastian said cuddling up to Joseph.

Sebastian x Joseph One-Shotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن