Five Months

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A/N: I know... I said I would upload this last week but I just finished exams and have enjoyed doing literally nothing for the last few days. I have thought of a new Joel FanFic idea too, which I might try and get up soon...

In other news, I have an ear infection.


Ros sits in front of me, mug of burgundy coffee sat in her hands, burning the tips of her tanned fingers. "This is really good-" she murmurs through mouthfuls, "are you sure you don't want one?"

I shake my head, watching my best friend grin as she orders herself another red velvet coffee - which I never knew was even a thing. "Trying to avoid caffeine, what with being half way along and all." I chuckle, sipping my own beverage - just water - and feeling my phone buzz in my pocket, which I ignore.

"Is it really halfway?" Ros almost chokes, hair wild and dark as usual. She composes herself when the attractive young barista brings over her second coffee and flashes him a flirtatious smile. "My God, it feels like just yesterday you told me the news!"

"No, five months today." I grin over my glass, watching as her eyes follow the barista who has returned to his till.

"And how's Joel?"

"Good, really good." I'm not lying; each day is different and mellow and makes me feel good and happy and all these feelings that I feel as though I don't deserve to feel. I'm especially calm currently because I've just been giving a writing job for BBC Three which has taken the edge off our slight money tremors we've been having recently. Living in such a nice house in a lovely area of Surrey has drained us, bled us dry, and what with expecting twins in four months, our worries have been increasing, but now? Now I have a pay check coming in each month!

"Just good?"

I hum in response, taking a large swig of my water and peering out of the window, watching all the people walking past, going about their lives peacefully.

"Ooh honey," Ros shakes her head whilst looking at her phone intensely, "new article. Harrison again."

I wave her off, "No, don't want to hear it. Joel told me this morning."

Ros leans over and pats my hand affectionately, "You're doing so well," she whispers, "considering-"

"Considering my dickhead ex keeps writing nonsense articles about me every other day and claiming that I'm an alcoholic one moment and cheating on Joel the next? Bloody ridiculous." I explode, almost knocking over my glass.

"I know I know... I'll talk to him." Ros says without thinking before cursing under her breath.

"What do you mean? 'Talk to him'?" I sit back in my chair suddenly feeling like a huge bombshell is about to be dropped.


"Ros. Tell me." I push, rubbing my stomach.

Begrudgingly she nods, head in hands with dismay, "Harrison and I-" she groans before continuing, "I really wanted to tell you Calla, it happened whilst you were in the jungle. It was great until you and Joel got together, he suddenly became jealous and angry and when he started writing these articles," she shakes her head with embarrassment, "I got very angry, understandably so! I tried to stop him but he wouldn't listen."

Glamping ~ Joel DommettWhere stories live. Discover now