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The rest of the day was a big blur for George, mostly acting on muscle memory for the most his work, as after a lot of time, everything became instinctual for him. At the end of the day, he pushed open the doors to the school and jogged to his bus stop. When the bus pulled in he walked to the back of the dirty, stinky bus and sat down. After the putrid bus ride he walked to his house opening the door. The door was unlocked, as usual, and he could smell fresh fruits coming from the kitchen. He walked into the kitchen where his mother was cutting tomatoes for tonight's dinner, and as he stepped in, she did not turn, but she spoke.

"So, Mrs. Fowl said you had a quiz today."


"How'd you do?"


"George, tell me."


"What!?! B-E-L-T."

clowning around in middle schoolWhere stories live. Discover now