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I woke up to the sound of beeping. I slowly opened my eyes and felt a throbbing pain in my head. I tried to sit up to see where I was but was quickly shooed to lie back down.

"Kenz you can't get up until they run some tests. How do you feel?" Someone asked. My eyes trained to where the voice had come from. It was Holly. She was dressed head to toe in cubs gear, and finally everything came back to me.

"Did we win?" I asked quietly. Holly started laughing.

"What is so funny" my voice cracked out.

"You're lying in the hospital injured and all you can think to ask is if the Cubs won." She said still cracking up. "But yes as a matter of fact we did."

"By how much? Any good plays by Javy? Homer-" Holly cut me off.

"We got the shut out 9-0. Hendricks pitched a full game and Baez hit 3 homeruns. It was pretty impressive. As soon as you got nailed in the face with the ball he hit one oppo. I think you were good luck."

"Yay" I said jumping a little more than I was supposed to. The nurse walked in.

"Calm down Honey. We're going to do a few tests that we couldn't do well you were out. You were hit pretty hard with that baseball." She said listening to my heartbeat, then checking my blood pressure, and doing some concussion tests.

"Okay we have good news and bad news, which would you like to hear first?" The nurse asked.

"Definitely the bad"

"So you do have a concussion, but the good news is that it is very mild and you should be better in a few days. You are now free to go, we just recommend you don't use your phone for the rest of tonight and do not drive! Sleep is crucial for you to heal!"

Holly grabbed my hand and helped me out of bed. I felt a little wobbly and my head still felt a little woozy but that was just from all the drugs they had me on. We walked to her car and she drove me to our apartment. I fell asleep as soon as we got home.

****JAVYS POV****
I walked into the clubhouse after the game. All I could think about was the girl I had hit with the foul ball. She looked like she was having the time of her life and then boom I ruined it.

"Javier! Amazing game tonight, definitely the MVP!" Rizzo said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Thanks bro. Feels nice to finally be back in the swing of things."

I didn't feel like celebrating with the boys so I showered and then changed into my street clothes. I walked outside to the players entrance and got in my Range Rover. My phone was vibrating like crazy so I decided to check on it before I left for my apartment.

All of the notifications were the cubs twitter tagging me in posts about my homers. I could care less at this point. I scrolled through their feed for a while before something caught my eye.

"@/CUBS: That looked like it hurt."

It was a video of the foul ball hitting the girl. She had my number on her cheek and she was laughing when it happened, which made me even more sad. I looked at the comment and the second one down was from a fan named Holly.

"@/holyholly- that's the girl I was with! Update- she's got a concussion but she'll live 😂."

I clicked on that account, intrigued, and the first thing that popped up was a picture of the girl. She had a black and blue eye and posed with a thumbs up. I clicked on her account, her name was Mackenzie. Before I could think about what I was doing I clicked follow and then messaged her saying "Hi. I'm sure you know who I am, and I feel absolutely terrible about what happened at the game. How about I make it up to you with some tickets?" Send.

A/N- Yay Javy is finally in the story. Sorry this is such a short chapter but I wanted to get something out to you guys soon since it took me so long to update last time!

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