~ O n e ~

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August 21, 1889


  Anthony pressed his cheek against the fogged up window, a cold, stinging feeling entering his skin. The sky was now heavy with dark clouds, indicating it was going to rain soon.
   Anthony loved when it rained, because wow. He was amazed about water just falling from the sky.

   "Mama?" He called.

  She didn't answer, but he carried on to ask his question anyway.

   "What makes it rain?"

   He waited for an answer; and eventually received one. "I don't know, dear."
   Her voice had a slight rasp as she sighed while answering his question; she just woke up from some sleep.
   He pressed his cheek even harder onto the glass as he heard the slight patter of raindrops landing on the window. Random drops slid down the glass, and Anthony watched them, imagining they were racing each other to get to the bottom.

   He wondered if other people thought the same. Anthony was starting to get jittery, because later on, the Conlon's are coming over. They lived right below Anthony's small apartment that he shared with his mother. The Conlon family consisted of four members.

   Amelia, was the mother of the family. Anthony enjoyed her. She was sweet and caring; and she looked so delicate with her small frame and quiet voice. She had kind, deep blue eyes that Anthony wish he had. He thought his eyes were just boring ol' brown.

   Elizabeth, was the eldest child. She was mean and bossy, and Anthony couldn't contemplate how she was raised by someone like Amelia. She had dark brown hair and-- He doesn't pay attention to Elizabeth, he forgot.

   Wallace, was the father. Sure, Anthony knows he exists, but he's never really seen him before. He's always somewhere else; probably wandering around Manhattan. Anthony honestly couldn't care less; because he only really cared about one person.

   That one person was William. William was his best friend of three years. He was always so happy and soft and fragile, Anthony loved it. He had golden brown hair that swept across his face, and steel blue eyes that Anthony always dreamed of having. Anthony swore to himself that they'll be best friends forever, and he'll make sure of it.


   He ignored his mother's call, continuously looking out the window. It was starting to pour.

  "Anthony Higgins!!"

He continued to pretend that he couldn't hear her, and he could see the pedestrians below rushing into there houses as the first boom of thunder made its presence into Anthony's ears, echoing in his head like a yelp in a large cave.
Well, he actually did let a little yelp escape his mouth, because his mom picked him up from under his arms and started carrying him away from the window, his cheek still feeling a little cold.

"Mama!" He squealed, squirming and giggling in her arms.
"Stay still, Tony," She smiled warmly, talking in a sweet tone. She placed him down on a small couch in the living room when he heard a knock on the door. That wasn't the Conlon's; it was one of the local Newsies, Francis.

Anthony knew they usually just sold there newspapers down on the streets, but his mother agreed to pay Francis a few cents more if he delivered the morning paper straight to there front door.

"Mornin' Ms. Higgins," Francis greeted, "You too, Tony."
Francis was roughly Anthony's age, seven years, maybe a little older. His cap hid his light brown hair, and a cigarette hung out of his mouth as he spoke.
Mama will never let me smoke, Anthony thought, and he was okay with that. Mama said it was bad for him, but it didn't make so much sense, because so many people did it.

Mama paid him some coins that Anthony didn't know the worth of. Francis tipped his cap, gave a little wink to Anthony, and turned on his heel, walking down the hall.

And all Anthony could do now was wait.


"Mama," Anthony whined, "Are they here yet?"
"Do you hear a knock at the door?" She asked.
"No," Anthony grumbled.
Every second seemed to tick by so slowly, and it drove Anthony crazy. He was on his couch, his head hanging off the edge upside down.

"William, Will, Willy, where are you Will Will Will," Anthony called lazily. He could hear his mom chuckle from the kitchen, and he could practically sense Mama's head shaking sarcastically at him.

"Willy Willy Willy," He continued, but this time, he got a response.

"Tony Tony Tony," He heard a familiar voice say with a giggle. Anthony shot up from his seat. The talking came from behind the door.

"WILL!!" He screeched, sprinting to twist the doorknob. As soon as he did, William jumped on him, and they fell to the ground in a giggling fit.
They both could feel Elizabeth's raised eyebrow on them, crossing her arms.
"How do I even live with you," Lizzy sighed, referring to Will.
Both the boys frowned, and William eventually stuck his tongue out at her and gave her a stink eye. Lizzy did the same and Will seemed to get annoyed.

"Mama!!" He whined, "Lizzy's being mean to me!"
Anthony could hear Will's mom sigh. "Leave them alone, Liz," She said. It seemed she says that multiple times every day, she seemed tired of saying it.
Another crackle of thunder boomed into the apartment, leaving a ringing sound in Anthony's ears; but he ignored it, because he knew William hated thunderstorms.

Will was shivering. He hated thunder, he hated lightning, and he hated rain, unlike Anthony, who enjoyed it a lot.
"Wh-Why are thunderstorms s-so scary?" He shuddered, a glossy coat of tears forming on his steel-blue orbs.

They're pretty, Anthony thought, Willy has pretty eyes.

And Anthony just kind of stared at him for a couple of lazy seconds, before quickly shaking his head and shrugging at him. "Come on, they're not that bad, are they?" He asked.
William bit his bottom lip and nodded, tears daring to fall from his eyes. Anthony gave him a heavy look of sympathy.

"You don't have to be scared," Anthony said.
William sniffed, wiping his nose with the back of his hand.
"Why?" He asked.
"Because it's just God farting."

William broke out into a full smile, wrapping his arms around himself as he started to laugh. His laugh increasingly grew and grew, echoing through Anthony's apartment. William closed his eyes as he laughed, letting the tears that were previously pooling in his eyes fall down his face.
Anthony couldn't help but feel proud whenever he made William laugh, because he felt as if he was just being a good friend to him.

That's all he wanted to be, a good friend.

   Lighnting suddenly flashed, lighting the apartment immensely for a mere fraction of a second. William stopped laughing and jerked his head at Anthony, his bottom lip trembling once more.

   "He sharted," Anthony whisper yelled, and William started laughing all over again.


   Hey y'allllllll
This is my first book and I just love sprace so freaking much and kajdisdjschksxjjsjcjdjc

Just a few things about me:

Seventh grader currently

Newsies is basically my life

My language arts teacher hates me -.-

And I love all my readers, even though I probably won't get much views <3

(•-•)/  Byee

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