Chapter VI

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"So how does this work?" Asked Mars.
Uncle Tom had just left, and Mars was seated in the kitchen now, the kitchen was rather normal for a house like this, it was white with a refrigerator and stove and all your basic stuff, but on the kitchen counter was all sort of tools and instruments that Evelyn was sorting out. Irvin was with them too, stirring some sort of green liquid in a jug.
"All we have to do is cast a healing spell, but I need your blood for that." Said Evelyn, she then proceeded to pick up a needle from the pile.
Mars cast a uneasy look at Irvin, vampires drink blood, and now Evelyn will be taking some out, what if Irvin freaks out and tried to attack him? Mars didn't do a good job at hiding his thoughts, Evelyn could tell what he was thinking and laughed;
"Don't be nervous with Irvin in the room."
"What? How did you-"
"It seemed  pretty obvious, besides most humans ask this question every time a vampire comes is in the same room."
"I still can't believe this is happening to me, I thought I would be freaking out more or something, but in all honesty I feel normal about this."
"Everyone reacts differently." butted in Irvin, pouring the green liquid from the jug into a cup.
"What is that?" Asked Mars looking at the liquid.
"This is a potion made from vegetables from our realm to sustain my thirst without drinking blood."
"So you're like a vegetarian Vampire?"
"No!" Irvin hissed showing his sharp fangs, then walked out the kitchen.
"Your lucky he even talked to you Mars, he never talks to Humans." Exclaimed Evelyn, lightly tapping Mars arm to get a vein showing.
"Why the hate for Humans?" He asked.
"Vampires come in many different forms, you can be born one, made into one, etc. Irvin was Tailor back in our world, he made a decent amount of money, and his brother grew jealous of his wealth."
Evelyn then picked up the needle and stuck it gently into his arm, Mars bit his lip and looked away.
"Does it hurt?"
"It's fine," Grunted Mars," Keep telling the story."
"Well, Irvin's brother then went to a Warlock, that's what I am. And he asked for a spell to banish Irvin to the Dark Realm."
"What's the Dark Realm?"
"Vampires, Werwolves and Drago's are connected to the Dark Realm, that's their source of Magic, while the Fairies, Morphers and Porters are connected to the Light Realm. Warlocks can harness both realms, and some creatures can convert.
"A portal to the Dark Realm is very difficult, but the Warlock managed to create one. Then Irvin's brother tricked him into walking through it, Irvin was stuck in that hell hole for years. Then he managed to escape, but under one condition: He had to turn into a vampire. He returned home, drank from his brother, killing him in the process. And Irvin has been miserable since." Evelyn finished, then slowly pulled out the needle and cleaned the spot with an anti-septic wipe.
"Wow." Said Mars, "I don't blame him, but he killed his brother?"
"Yes." Said Irvin walking into the room.
Evelyn looked at him guiltily, putting her head down in shame.
"I'm sorry." She apologized.
"He's going to forget anyways, why not tell him everything won't you?" Said Irvin in a nasty sarcastic tone.
Evelyn took the syringe of blood and walked out the room.
"Where is she going?" Asked Mars, feeling nervous being left alone with Irvin.
"To make the potion for you." He said in such a way it made Mars feel stupid.
"So what's the deal with Charlotte?" He asked, trying to change the conversation, he looked over at Irvin, he was leaning against the wall, arms crossed, looking at Mars like he was his next meal.
"What's the matter with Charlotte?" Asked Irvin, trying to make Mars feel bad for asking the question.
"I was just asking, she seemed upset to take away my memory."
"She's like that, she's a fairy. Fairies are very emotional for other people, mostly helpless humans-"
"I'm not helpless" Snapped Mars.
"Will you nearly died!"
"That's not my fault!"
"Okay then; you drugged your own uncle."
"What's that gotta do with anything?!"
"I find it funny." Irvin smirked.
"We aren't gonna get along are we?" Mars said through his teeth.
"You only figured that out now Sweet-Pea?" Irvin mocked," Besides, your gonna forget me anyways, why not have some fun."
"Irvin!" Yelled that shrilly voice Mars would recognize a mile away; Charlotte.
She walked into the kitchen with a book, it looked old and leathery, but the books cover was a bright green with gold metallic font as its title, Mars couldn't tell what it said, it was in another language that he didn't recognize.
"What's that?" He asked.
"Oh this thing?" Said Charlotte looking at the book," Its a fairy spell book! It's where I learn all my magic, the memory spell will be in here." She said sadly.
"And do fairies use wands too?" Asked Mars.
Irvin and Charlotte looked at each other and started laughing.
"What's so funny?" He cheerfully yelled.
"That's the funniest thing Iv heard in a long time!" Said Charlotte wiping the tears from her eyes.
Evelyn then walked into the room, holding a bottle of glowing red liquid.
"Have they been teasing you Mars?" She asked looking at them.
"No." Mars laughed, then looked at Irvin who grinned at him, and not the good type of grin.
Evelyn smiled and handed the potion over to him, he took a look at it and she motioned for him to drink. He took one last look and gulped it down quickly, it tasted it like blood, but very sweet. He chocked and handed the empty bottle back.
"It will take a few hours to work." Said Evelyn, cleaning the bottle in the sink," You'll sweat the left over radiation out, that's about it. It might have a slight purple color to it, just to warn you."
"Thank you." He said, he was happy he was getting healed, but still felt sad, this type of experience never happens to just anyone. Meeting supernatural creatures and traveling realms and learning the history of it all.
"So," Continued Evelyn," Go home, get some rest. And tomorrow we can do Charlotte's spell."


Evelyn gave Mars a sleeping potion, just so he could get through the night easier, she told him he would be sweating a lot and the sweat will stain, so she advices sleep in his underwear and on the floor. Mars cringed at the idea, but it had to be done.
They walked to the front door, Evelyn opened it for him and smiled," You did good today Mars."
"Thanks." He said rubbing the back of his head," Hey, can I ask you something?"
"I had a dream, like a week ago. And in my dream I saw this house. Except it was in a giant green open space and the sky kept flashing purple and I just wanted to know what you think that was?"
Evelyn just looked at him, with big eyes.
"You... you..." She struggled to say," You got a vision from the Purple Gems!"
"But what do you think it means?" He asked again.
"I'm not worried about that Mars, humans can't get visions from Purple Gems! It's not possible!" She said in a panicky tone.
"What are you saying?"
"What I'm saying is something must be wrong if you're getting Purple Gem visions!" She grabbed his hand and lead him back into the house again, they walked through the lounge, down a passage into another room, it was a library. The walls were covered with shelves of books, and in the middle of the room was three arm chairs. Evelyn pushed Mars into a seat and ran to one of the shelves, she spent about a minute searching the until she finally found what she was looking for. It was a thick book and the pages looked brown, it had a purple hard cover with silver writing, this time it was in English, it said: Purple Gem Mythology.
She skimmed through the pages until she landed on a spot and read through it quickly.
She then looked up at Mars.
"You said in you're dream it was this house right?"
"Yeah, and when I knocked on the door nobody answered for a while, and then after a some time somebody did come, but as soon as the door opened I woke up."
"You didn't see who it was?" Asks Evelyn crouching next to him.
"No I'm sorry, I didn't."
Evelyn sighed, she then got up and went to the entrance of the library.
"IRVIN! CHARLOTTE!" She yelled.
Next thing Mars knew a speeding figure appeared in front of Evelyn, it was Irvin. Of course Mars thought, Vampires can run really fast.
Charlotte arrived a couple seconds later.
"Change of plan guys," Said Evelyn seriously,"We're not taking away Mars memory anymore, cause if we do. We will die."

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