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Astrid Ophelia Black is just your ordinary, next door neighbour kind of girl. Well, except for the fact that she was an orphan. And she didn't feel like she was normal.

Ever since she was young, she always felt... different. She never felt like she fit in to any of the Home cliques, and although her breathtaking good looks did wonders for her, she was never really adopted.

See, she can remember at least once a year, having a kindly couple picking her for adoption. But somehow, those always fell through. Astrid thought perhaps it was the way her eyes could nersmerise you to do her bidding, or that weird things always seemed to fall on poor innocent her.

Her getaway was books. Days turned to weeks and as weeks turned to years, and Astrid blizzed through what she felt must have been at least a thousand of them! Her favourite was of course, like many, the 'Harry Potter' book series. Astrid noticed how those bizarre things that happened to her seemed to be what happened to Harry. And she eagerly awaited the day that perhaps she might get her very own Hogwarts letter.

But after her 11th birthday, despite not falling asleep, nothing, came for her. No half giant, no owl and definitely. no. letter.
Astrid stayed optimistic. After all, it is entirely possible that she was still a witch and that her owl post got mixed up with others.

But as the day passed and soon her 12th birthday did too, Astrid felt as though she would never know her true, true identity. As her 13th birthday slowly approached, Astrid felt her heart grow heavier and that she should never know her real heritage.

But the strange things that occured to only her didn't just stop there. She often felt as though she could change the past events and mix up the chronology, or eliminate them all together. It may seem absurb but maybe not. You see, there was a few events here and there that occurred previously, but it all only happened during her sleep.

Glaring at the television, Astrid stewed in her anger silently. NO! HOW DARE MORE BOMBINGS TAKE PLACE, IN LONDON YET AGAIN? That was honestly a really bastard move, to bomb another place so soon after the Manchester one. The 'Wonder Woman' premiere had gone smoothly till the end where someone had bombed the place. Again. "Fortunately for the fans, none of the cast were seriously injured, although the death toll is currently at 5, we may have to steel ourselves for it to inch up higher."

The news anchor moved on to another topic as Astrid left the main living area where the children gathered for meals and to update themselves on the outside world. Stomping upstairs, Astrid was lost in her own world and did not hear glasses breaking around her nor how the Home seemed to vibrate whenever she took a step.

That night, Astrid was thankful for her real parents apparent wealth, which had made the Home allocate a room just for her, as her foul mood was enough to scare people away from her. She tossed and turned in bed that night and fell into an uneasy rest...

Where she promptly found herself right smack inside the theater just a couple of days before the bomb went off. 'What?' Astrid wondered how exactly she ended up here, but just dissed it as a figment of her imagination, although everything just seemed so, so vivid.

'Right, if I'm unable to do anything in real life, then in an imaginary one I will do what I can to save the lives of the people.' Astrid reasoned that if she could get this whole thing cancelled in the first place, there was no need for any panic.

Astrid went up to a man dressed lavishly in the most mordern and expensive suit she ever laid eyes on, which just screamed 'Holloywood' to her.

"Excuse me sir," Astrid started, "but do you think that I could somehow talk to the person in charge of the upcoming 'Wonder Woman' premier?" The man in the suit turned around in surprise, and Astrid gave her best innocent puppy dog eyes. The man smiled slightly as he stared into her eyes and shook his head as if to slip out of a trance. "Yes, that would be me, Miss..?" 

"Miss Black sir. Astrid Black."

"That would be me, Miss Black. Whatever do you need?"

"You see sir, the Manchester bombing took place rather recently and I was just confused. Would it not be better if the whole promotion thing be cancelled? I mean, people may be worried that the same would occur. Having extra security measures may not necessarily mean that there will be no bombings."

"Well, the matter is extremely delicate, and although the company has considered just cancelling the thing altogether, we decided the risks were worth taking."

Astrid took a deep breath and gritted her teeth together. Those money minded gits thought that actually having casualties would be worth it if money could actually be made from it? How preposterous of them. Astrid decided to dish out a card that she was sure would ensure her victory.

"I mean I don't really know, but I heard something like a bomb threat just as I was walking in. Apparently from the terror group ISIS, but sure, have the premier on, why not?"

Not giving the man time to process her words, Astrid skipped out of the building... And promptly rolled out of bed, hitting her head.

'Pfft..', Astrid headed to the bathroom to prepare for the day ahead after she checked her alarm clock. When she stepped out of the shower, her long silky raven hair dripping wet with water, she ran into a friend, Vivian.

"Hey 'rid, how're you?" Vivan called out.

Astrid made her way down the stairs after fetching her slippers, and replied with a terse, " Peachy." Vivan stopped in her tracks to turn and look at her, with questioning eyes.

"Its just the bombings yesterday made me feel on edge an-" 

"Bombings? Didn't you hear? They cancelled the whole promotions and thanks to a girl with midnight hair and grey eyes tipping them off, they apprehended the masterminds behind the whole plan." Vivan said, and ran off towards the living room, not waiting for her response when she heard a cry of 'Pancakes' from the kitchen.

Astrid halted. A midnight haired girl with grey eyes? Ones just like... hers?

Hey guys! This is my first fic, and although it is kinda long for a prologue, I just wanted you guys to be sorta aware of what Astrid could do! So erm although I'm pretty sure no one would actually read this... to those who are, thank you, and please vote and follow me. Please feel free to leave a comment or message or whatever for me, and if you want me to perhaps include more characters I imagine would fit in the Marauders era please tell me! I would likely be updating weekly at least, and I'm going to try get Chapter One up by Sunday.

P.S. I am NOT prejudice in any way against Muslims, and please note that I made up the whole bombing thing at the 'Wonder Woman' premier , as DC cancelled it due to the Ariana Grande concert bombings.

P.S.S. Please imagine the characters I introduced earlier younger than that, as Astrid appears here as a 13 years old girl, and the picture depicts her at the age of around 18, or so I assume. And to clear things up a little, this is in the sorta current era, not in the Marauders era just yet.


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