oh hell nah

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Yn p.o.v
I've decided to go pick up the girls but I have to wait for august to get here to. Pick me and jr. Up but it's cool because imma call him

  (Yn calls august)
August :talk to me
Yn: are u coming to get us

August: yea I'm having trouble with the car tho
???:Aug wht u doing come back to bed
(Yn hangs up)
(,Yn calls. He big brother Chris)
Chris: hey sis
Yn,: hey can u come pick me up from the hospital


      *****Ten minutes later*****
(In Chris car)

Chris : so thts my new nephew ?

Yn: yes
Chris: wait who's the dad?

Yn:august y?

Chris: oh hell nah

Chris makes a u turn the speeds to august house

(Chris gets out then yn and jr. follow him

  (Chris knocking)
(August opens the door)

August: hey babe

Yn: save it for ya new bitch (yn walks past him)

August: wht u looking for ma?

Yn: where ya hoe?

August:  u mean Jacobs hoe she's in the guest room

Yn: nigga the bitch said Aug

August: wht u mean ma u trippin

????: Auggy !!!

(Yn runs up to their room and slams the door open)

?????: Wht the hell
August:,look I'm sry yn

   (Yn starts to pack her and the kids stuff)

August: I'm sry yn

Yn: sry is not  gonna help u this, the fact u lied to me , cheated on me , did at least bother to pick ur son up from the hospital,then u had the hoe in my bed!

(Yn finishes packing )

Yn : it's cool tho cause I don't need shit from u

(August grabs her hand)

Yn: august Anthony Alsina let me go (yn snatches her hand then Leaves)

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