Beta Part 2

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   "Successful... hate... pathetic creator..."

   Thwok finally regained consciousness, the black void finally fading away. Everything was slowly become audible again. His arms felt numb, mostly in the hands. In fact, he was tied up to some kind of board, his hands tied up to the top of it and his feet tied to the bottom. He knew he was still here at the creator's home, but this room seemed unfamiliar, but he quickly understood that he only went through three out of possibly a hundred rooms. He finally snapped out of wondering where he was at and focused on the one who tied him up. No one was around, yet he swore he heard someone muttering about something that's possibly about success and hating the creator. The only thing Thwok could do now is either try to get free, or just look around, waiting for this someone to come and maybe even free him. He tried to free his hands from the ties, only to be unable to even move his arms since they were incredibly uncomfortable being this numb. Perfect. Now he had to wait. Oh well, it wasn't like he was needing to get out of here anyway. He grumbled, knowing he'd have to wait. But right when he thought that, someone finally showed up in the room. Thwok was dead silent at the sight of them, why did he look exactly like him, only with a short tongue?

    "Oh, YOU'RE awake." he sneered at him in disgust.

    "What do you want, me- I mean-"

    "Nothing much really..." Silence broke through the room after he replied. That was when Thwok noticed something glistening in his doppelgangers hand. The light shone against it brightly, yet he figured out what it was... Suddenly, his fear rose in him, he started to shake against the board, trying harder to break free from the tight, prickly ropes. He KNEW what this copy was planning.

    "YOU'RE NOT HAVIN' IT!" he screamed.

    "Oh really? Then why do I have the ability to get it on my own?" the clone asked, fiddling with his knife. "It'll be like taking candy from a baby anyway!" he grinned.

    "Can it be painless at least?"

    "Hm... no. Besides, I hate you too much to do that~" What did Thwok ever do to him? He's only just existing anyway! He never met this failed version of him ever in his life! He continued to try to untie himself. "Besides, the others won't notice when you're gone. I'll walk in and pretend to be you with that tongue of yours! I'll finally be able to actually fit in!" Chills ran down Thwoks spine. This clone hated him to the point of possibly killing him while making him go through agony as they tore through his mouth. Imagining the pain made him cringe. The duplicate grabbed Thwoks multi-colored tongue, raising the knife. "Say 'buh-bye' to your perfection!" he giggled. The knife jolted down. Thump! Thwoks eyes were shut tight. Nothing happened. He opened his eyes, only to see the knife only a few centimeters away from hitting him. The twin looked puzzled. He rose up, glancing around. "What..." he mouthed to himself. "I-I'll be back." he placed the weapon onto a table and ran off outside to investigate the sound. Now Thwok was alone, once again. The only thing to accompany him was the deafening silence and his thoughts. Why did that copy of him want to kill him and take his tongue? Why does he hate him? The only thing he could remind himself of now was the quote the clone said. Successful, hate, pathetic, and creator. He wondered if this could solve these questions. He tried putting the concerns aside, attempting to be happy that he doesn't have to suffer through pain for a little longer. The door to the room opened. A dark figure peeked into the room, as if it was scared of seeing what was in it. Thwok tried to stop breathing, only lightly and softly gasping for air every few seconds, trying to be quiet as possible.

    "Hello? Thwok?" a familiar voice called out quietly. The figure stepped inside, revealing to be taller than it looked. The light made it more clear to be seen. It was the creator. Thwok sighed in relief.

    "Oh thank god- You gotta help me out here! There's some kind of clone of me trying to cut off my tongue to-"

    "Relax, shush- be quiet. I know..." the Wubbox muttered, trying to untie Thwok from the plank. Thwok was going to respond, but he only kept the thought to himself. 'How can I relax when there's somebody willing to KILL me?!' he thought to himself. Finally, Thwok was free, he tried to stand, but only ended up almost falling over from how shaky his legs were. The Wubbox finally decided to carry him, feeling guilty about the thought of making him run. Thwok opened his mouth the ask all of the questions he wanted answers to, but before he could say a word, the copy creeped into the room.

    "I KNEW it!" the copy screamed. The creator gasped, making a run for it, rushing out of the door he came from.

    Fear. That's all Thwok could feel now. Rising fear. Fear that seemed endless. He was scared that Wubbox would trip and possibly KILL them both while doing so. He was terrified of the thought that the copy would catch up and murder them. Not even the loud rushing air and the passing-by rooms could distract him from this terror. Everything felt like a rerun, the exit was finally approaching. He prepared for it, he was scared, but ready to fall, ready to loose his tongue, ready to meet death. ...But that's not what happened. The silence in his mind was stopped by sudden mental cheers. The door was opened, the stairs in front of the building were waiting for them to go up to safety. Back to Wublin Island. Before he know it, his creator stopped to take a breath. He panicked, why would he stop RIGHT HERE? They could be at the top right now!

    "GET BACK HERE!" a distant voice screeched. The sudden break was immediately ended. Wubbox struggled to rush up the first step. Then it happened. He tripped. Thwok was thrown a few steps ahead, landing hard on a rock hard wooden plank. Pain pierced through him like the horror that shot through him. He watched his own creator, forcing himself to try to stand up again. But he couldn't. No matter how hard he tried.

    "R...un..." he weakly said.

    "But I-" Prototypes were approaching. He could hear them whispering, some of them asking each other what they were doing, others whispering in rage. Painful rage.

    "G-go!" he yelped. Thwok could see their shadows now. He felt horrible, trying to decide if he should help or run, despite how weak his legs felt. He tried to stand up, shaking.

    "I'm sorry." he mouthed, and with that, he ran, stumbling slightly up the stairs. He didn't DARE to look back, he didn't want to watch his own creator getting killed by furious failures. The light from the top got brighter the higher he got up. He had a good feeling he was going to finally make it out this time. He ended up crawling out like a spider with a broken leg, but he was alive! He did it! He wanted to cheer, but the other wublins stared at him confusingly.

    "Are you alright?"

    "You look like you've seen a ghost..." Thwoks excitement was ended. He didn't dare to tell them what happened. He was too afraid of worrying them, making them fear the creator, despite that he might be dead now.

    "Uhm..." he stammered. "Well the creator wasn't there and I thought I heard something so I got scared." he lied.

    "Oh. Alright..?" And with that, the wublins continued to fix Creepuscules drum. He tried to stand up, his legs were still shaky, but he hoped no one noticed. At least they didn't have to know the terrifying truth.

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