Chapter One

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My fist automatically slammed down on the snooze button on top of the alarm clock, shutting the damn thing up. I slowly blinked awake and pulled myself into a sitting position

My first day at Lakeview Academy. It's gonna be a breeze

I got out of bed, feeling the hangover form yesterday. FUCK. I dragged my body into the bathroom and took a cold shower, allowing my muscles to relax

The school I'm going to is a private school so it's mandatory I wear a plaid skirt and buttoned up shirt on my first day before I get my real uniform

Since I don't own anything like that. I put together what I hope is exceptional:

The door of my bedroom suddenly swung open and Kyra stood in the doorway wearing her signature tee shirts and sweatpants

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The door of my bedroom suddenly swung open and Kyra stood in the doorway wearing her signature tee shirts and sweatpants

"All your things are in the trunk. You read to go?" She asks

"Yeah" I sigh, grabbing my backpack and hoodie before following her out to the car

"Thanks, Sis" I say as we pulled out of the driveway

"Anything for my little sister" She smiled and we took off


We pulled up to the black gates with the schools emblem of the school. Security guards standing in front of the gates

I ran away from home and I've been living with my sister in California for a while now. I haven't spoken to my mom in 7 months. She's hasn't even tried once to reach me. Leaving her was the best thing I have ever done

"Your head mistress called me earlier and said I should make sure you're properly dressed" She says, looking at me with her side eye

"What? I am properly dressed" I say, crossing my legs like a sophisticated young lady

Who am I? The queen?

"Fine. Promise you'll behave while you're there?" She quizzes

"Don't worry, I will"



Not too long after we pulled up to the big black gates of the school. A tall, dark woman holding a binder waved at us in the car, signaling me to come in

"See you on the other side" I chuckle as we hugged

"Don't be a stranger, 'kay?" Kyra chuckled after we pulled away

"I won't. Bye" I shut the car door and watched her car disappear into the road

This is really happening

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