"There once was an ugly duckling , with feathers all stubby and brown"

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Will didn't like home. Home was a place where people were happy and came together. This wasn't his home.With an uncharacteristic boost of confidence , Will set out , his shy triangular self casting a small , meaningless shadow over the nightmare realm. 

Whilst he walked he looked around at the harsh surroundings , neon color swirled around the sky making him dizzy and monsters of all shapes and sizes stared at his bizarre light blue hue. He felt out of place. Dejectedly , he looked to the floor. To Will's surprise , there lay a book at his feet. It too seemed out of place , comfortably worn leather bound a book with yellowing pages , a sign the book had been loved. 

With a soft smile he picked the book up . Something told him that was enough adventure for today. Will turned and began to walk home , the stares of the monsters becoming harder to ignore , he didn't care , he had his book. 

(just a quick note , the chapters will probably quite short , dont hate me)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2017 ⏰

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