Chapter 1 WAR

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??? Pov
Hello there my name is Angel *sigh* you know the tale of the monsters right? There real. Trust me I live with them.

I live with the skeleton brothers papyrus and sans. They are my best friends. Sans hates how lazy his brother is. Me personally I think it's funny, and his puns are terrible but funny, sans knows it he pretends to hate them but he secretly likes them. Anyways,
Long ago MONSTERS AND HUMANS ruled the earth until war broke out between the two races this is my story about that war....

Angel's pov
Me and my father were fighting about the monsters. I believed they belong but him I don't know anymore...  .I growled at him.
"stop that it's not normal!" "I'm not normal!" "you know you are! Let me ask you one thing!" "what!?" "why are you defending the monsters?" "cause they don't deserve this they don't deserve to DIE!" "yes they do you don't know them!" "neither do you!" then he... Growled at me. "look who's growling now. I'm going to my room bye." I walked up to my room and slammed the door.
Little did I know that was the begining of a whole new adventure.

I Know a short chapter but  it's better than nothing right?
Anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter

Bye. Torres out!

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