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*Third person point of view*

Caleb Kim was born on September 12, 1994. From the very beginning Caleb showed a certain level of higher intelligence. He excelled in school and graduated two years early with a PhD and two masters degrees. Bullied in school for his knowledge and nerdy persona, life wasn't always fair to him.

Caleb was born into a middle class family that couldn't support themselves most of the time. He lived his entire childhood on the brink of poverty. Any dream Caleb had of going to college were always challenged with the fact he couldn't afford it, but Caleb had more than just brains. Caleb possessed a incredibly powerful will and if he put his mind to something there was little to nothing that could stop him.

*James POV*
" Caleb did odd jobs no matter how disgusting it was or how poorly he was treated. Anything was worth getting the money for college to him. Every cent he earned went into his college savings... that is... until... h-he started gambling." It always pained me to tell Calebs story. He was my leader and as close to a brother as someone can get. If I was getting choked up about telling his story then I have no idea how I'll be able to tell anyone else's.

"James?" A's voice cut through my mental babble

"O-oh sorry I was just thinking. It isn't easy telling these stories and being reminded what my brothers went through..." i was rambling now.

"Its okay James. I understand. You can go at your own pace."

"Thank you." I took a deep breathe and continued my story. "Anyways. Caleb had this friend, who since then has been... dealt with, but his friend's name was Heath. Heath was literal scum of the Earth. He ran every illegal/underground operation imaginable. He got Caleb involved in his underground gambling a-a-and caleb got... in over his head. Like I said Caleb saved every cent for college, but soon his money was focused on bets and deals with Heath's people." I can feel the anger boiling inside me as I tell the story of what Heath did to Caleb. " It wasn't long before all of Caleb's savings had been blown on gambling. At that point Caleb was addicted. There was one night when Caleb came home from gambling barely able to walk from how much alcohol he had drank and no money in his pockets. He found his way home stumbling through the street, but when he came home Heath was there with his- his- his minions. They had Caleb's parents tied to chairs and knives to their throats. Heath claimed Caleb had been cheating and stealing money and that if he didnt hand it over that his parents would pay the price. But Caleb never cheated and he never stole. He's too smart for his own good. And of course he had no money. So, Heath slit Caleb's parents throats while Caleb watched and screamed. After murdering his parents they beat Caleb himself into a pulp. They left him with six broken ribs, a broken leg, a dislocated shoulder, and a stab wound in his side. They left him to die in a pool of his and his parents blood. He should have died, but a neighbor had heard the commotion and called an ambulance. That was the day. That was the day Caleb declared war on the world and all the men who ever hurt him or any man who lived a life like Heath.

After healing in the hospital Caleb gave up his dream of college. He graduated early and got his several degrees and set out on his mission. Along the way he picked up people with stories similar to his and he created what you now know as the Bangtan Boys. We look out for each other and we are willing to get our hands dirty to do it."

A was is shock. I could see it on her face. Her eyes were wide and I could see tears about to fall on her cheek. She looked confused. Dazed. And a little bit more than scared.

"W-wow. Thats-thats... awful" she said

"Yeah. You could say that."

We sat there for several hours. A asked more questions to fill in the blanks of what she didnt understand. Eventually she left, more than a bit shaken. I sat at the table for awhile longer wondering how if she acted this shocked at Caleb's story how she would react to mine.

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