Joshua Rose (RWBY)

98 3 0


Former human: Current Zombie

6ft 9in.

Younger brother of Yang, older brother of Ruby.

Hates anything good.

Was killed by Grimm and later got revived by Salem to carry out her plan. He ended up leaving her service to search for a master worthy of his talents and loyalty.

Eats flesh(Grimm, human, faunus) and if he eats faunus flesh he gets their animal attributes (improved sense of smell, hearing, speed and agility).

His loyalty knows no bounds once he believes they are worthy and will follow their commands without hesitation unless it involves his family.

Katana for melee mode and 1903 Springfield Rifle for gun mode.

( think black canary form DC)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2020 ⏰

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