Chapter 5

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ATTENTION ALL READERS: I know most people scroll right past this, but this is IMPORTANT!!!

So, I have decided to change Chloe's name to Arabella just because I love that name and I'm cool ;)

Anyway..... Here's my update!! :)


(Arabella's Point Of View)

Pain. The worse feeling in the world, and I was in a deep abis of it. My left leg, all the way to my head felt like it was beeing crushed between two cars that were going a hundred miles per hour.

I tried to open my eyes, but the light in the room was so bright, I couldn't stand it. I choaked up a sob, but regretted it the moment I did. The pain intensified as I couldn't stop the crying.

I felt two strong hands grasp my face, gently.

"Oh, Arie. Sh... I'll get the doctor." The hands left my cheeks and I cried even more. The warmth from the hands was comforting and now that comfort was gone.

"Miss Curtis, what is wrong? Are you in pain?" A kind, woman voice asked. I nodded the best I could. Then, I felt a sharp pinch in my neck and the pain eased, gently.

I made another attempt to open my eyes, this time succeding.

Standing in the bright room was a brunette woman about the age of fourty and standing behind her was Steve, who had blood-shot eyes and a puffy face. I felt my heart drop.

"That's better." The nurse sighed, leaving the room. "If she starts to feel pain again, let me know." The woman said to Steve. Steve nodded, then turned to me when the lady left the room.

"Arie, I'm so sorry this happened. I was putting back on my seat belt and I tried to grab the wheel, but it was too late. I'm so, so sorry, Arie. Please forgive me?" Steve's words rushed out.

"Steve, Steve! It's okay, it wasn't your fault." I assured him. "Where's everyone else?"

"They're on their way. Soda's pretty pissed. He wouldn't even talk to me on the phone, I had to talk to Darry."

"Well, Soda will get over it. Y'all have been best buds sense grade-school, from what I'm told. A little bump in the road won't stop that."

"This time, I think it's more like a boulder in the road." He looked at the ground.

Just then, Darry, Soda and Pony walked in. Soda ran up to me, not even glancing at Steve, and huged me, carefuly.

"How do you feel? Is there something I can get you? They're treating you good here, right?"

"Soda, one question at a time." I laughed. "I feel fine, they're great here, and I could use some water."

"Okay, I'll go get you some." He gave me a small smile that would make a group of girls faint and rubbed my cheek with is thumb.

As Soda walked out of the room, I could have swore the saying "if looks could kill" was the definition of Soda's look he gave Steve. It only lasted a second, but it felt like a year.

Pony walked over and set a vase full of red and pink roses on the desk beside my bed.

"Thanks, Pony." I smiled brightly at him. He gave me a hug and stepped back so that Darry could see me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2014 ⏰

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