Act 2

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II, i

Scene: A courtyard of Silvestro’s palace.

Enter Isabetta and Silvestro.

ISABETTA: Good morrow, my lord.


Bah! There has been no good morrow. No,

No morrow at all, not since our bright,

Most celestial star faded in the


Weeks have passed by since my daughter’s

Countenance was darkened. Gone her vile

Suitor may be, but his dark cloud hovers

Over Silvestro’s kingdom even still.

Enter Adelaide.

Observe her now across the courtyard; heed

Shadows upon her visage. Her eyes are

Ever fixéd upon the ground, her face like stone.

ISABETTA: I’ll go to her.


Nay, Isabetta. Let her alone. Her

Mood is not one of discourse. Come, we ought

To direct our attentions elsewhere.

Exeunt Isabetta and Silvestro.


(aside) At long last, the courtyard is clear; no one

Will see me take my leave. Sojourn in the

Forest may be the medicine to cure

This all-consuming hurt; through the gates may

I find my escape.

Exit Adelaide.

II, ii

Scene: The forest

Enter Robin Goodfellow (Puck).


Though the full moon be a time of madness,

I have walked the forest since sundown in

Search of mischief that needs be done, but fail!

I’ve found naught but the sanity in the

Ordinary. No crimes to commit! What

Is this night, that Robin Goodfellow

Finds no fellow to spite! Perhaps like

Mere mortals I’ll to sleep, passing this dreary

Night in dreams of tomfoolery.

Enter Adelaide.

But what’s this? A fair maid wand’ring lone

In the woods! She sits beneath a willow

Tree, weeping willow it truly be, for

I spy a tear upon her milk-white cheek.

It seems some wicked fellow has beat me

To the night’s mischief. Seeing none to be

Done here, perhaps I’ll turn my happy spite

To help.

Approaches Adelaide.

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