A book for A man whore chapter3 (Picture of Zac)

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Still Zac's P.O.V.  

"Ok class. I will pick the first person who will sit here-" he pointed to the first desk in the front "-ok then. Everyone ready?"

No one responded so he went to his desk and took off a black magician's hat. It's funny how teachers think that students will always reply to whatever they say. He reached in and pulled out a slip of paper. "William keg. You will sit right here," said Mr. Nuckler pointing to the first seat on the first row.

A guy who must have been 6'5 with blonde hair and hazel eyes walked to the seat Mr. Nuckler was pointing at. Mr. Nuckler handed William the hat and he picked a slip of paper out too.

"Vanessa Pooler," he said looking around the room. A girl with orange dreads and green eyes walked to the seat beside William.

I closed my eyes and leaned more against the wall. As long as I was sitting beside a girl or Mike or any of my other friends, I was fine with this thing. It must have been some time before I heard, "Zac Blumenthal," coming from a girl's mouth. I opened my eyes and smiled. When I saw that the girl was hot (she had brown hair with blonde highlights and amber eyes) and that she wasn't sitting beside me my face fell a little.

Mr. Nuckler pointed to the desk behind her. I walked over to my seat and smiled at her. She smiled back telling me that she was interested. She passed me the hat, her fingers lingering on mine for a few seconds longer than necessary. I put my hand in and pulled out a slip of paper and read the name out loud.

"Carmen Anderson." I look up from the slip to see a girl with light brown eyes and light brown wavy hair walking to the seat beside me. Her mouth was in an o shape like she was shocked.

When everyone was seated Mr. Nuckler finally started the class. "Ok now students-"he clapped his hands with a big smile on his face "- I read this book and it was about these 2 people falling in love and blah blah blah." He didn't actually say that. I just thought that in my mind. (Well the last part anyway.)

Carmen's P.O.V.  

"I read this book about these 2 people falling in love and how they wanted to help each other with something. The first character was named Sofia and her boyfriend's is Raffi. Sofia helps Raffi learn how to speak French and Raffi helps Sofia learn how to cook. That's your year assignment. To teach the person you're sitting beside something," said Mr. Nuckler. After he said this all I wanted to do was to die. I glanced at Hunter who was staring at me. When our eyes met he smiled at me. Giving me one of his sexy smiles. I smiled back.

Everyone was talking about it and what they should do. "Like this summer. I taught my boyfriend how to skate. And he taught me how to salsa dance," said Mr. Nuckler over the noise. Ya. He's gay, and proud of it.

"So like, we can teach them anything?" asked Ginger from behind me, her auburn hair swaying from side to side. I rolled my eyes when Mr. Nuckler nodded his head.

"Yes Ginger. Even how to have a fashion sense."

The whole class laughed. "Get out a piece and paper. You have the rest of the period to come up with what you're going to do. When you have decided, then hand in what you're doing. Just right it like, if you're teaching them how to dance then just write dance. Ok? Get to work." Then he left the room. Everyone started talking like crazy.

Zac turned around and faced me. "So, your name is Carmen."

I nodded my head. "Yup. And you're Zac."

He nodded his head. He tapped his pen on his desk staring at me. I bent my head and started to write what I was going to help him with. Project: Gentleman. The tapping of his pen was starting to piss me off. He leaned in closer to me trying to read what I wrote but I grabbed it and put it on my lap. "So Carmen what do you like to do?"  


"Cool. Like what? Do you like sports?"  

"Ya. I really like volleyball."

He nodded his head. "Anything-"he didn't finish because Hunter came over to my desk.

"Hey Minn. Got a pen?" he asked me, his eyes full of laughter.

I narrowed my eyes. "Sure."

Zac looked from me to Hunter, then back again. "I thought you said your name was Carmen." I nodded my head while I got Hunter a pen. "So then why does he call you, Minn?"  

"It Is. Minn's my nickname." I handed Hunter the pen and he smirked while he walked away. He sat three seats to my right and one row in front of me.

"Ya but why not call you Car or something?" he asked starting to tap his pen against his desk again.

I sighed, not wanting to talk to him anymore. (But I never did wanted to talk to him at all really.) "They call me Minn because that was the character's name in my favourite book. Her full name is Cinnamon Hotchkiss."

Mr. Nuckler walked back into the room, making the class quiet down. "Oh and also, before I forget and some of you say 'I didn't know we had to do that!' You have to make this into a book. This book has to have rules that they have to follow and what will be the outcome if theyfollow the rules and the book properly. And since your are all seniors, this will be due next week Friday."

The whole class groaned making Mr. Nuckler smile as he walked out of the room again. Zac was still staring at me. "What?" I snapped at him.

He raised his hands in a surrendering way. "Nothing. I just thought you had brown eyes. But they're green now that they're in the light. You're eyes change colour. That's cool."

I blushed. I knew my eyes changed colour but I like saying that they were brown because that's the colour of my mother's eyes. My mother. The woman who dyed saving me. I pinched my palm stopping the tears that were starting to form.

The bell ringed and everyone got up and started to file out when Mr. Nuckler came back into the room, "remember. This is due next week Friday. Not the teaching part. Just the finishing of the book."

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That's a picture of Zac.

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