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"All I'm saying is that eventually someone is going to find out." Minerva says.
"There is nothing to worry about. As long as we don't give special treatment it will be fine." Albus responds.
She smiles and nods.
Standing in his embrace she feels safe.
Suddenly they hear someone knock on the door.
She steps back and covers her mouth.
Albus pulls her into the closet. He kisses her before closing the door. Before he walks out he holds his finger to his lips.
He sits at his desk. 'Yes? Come in."
Headmaster Dippet walks in. "Evening, Albus."
"Headmaster." Albus responds.
Remaining calm the headmaster sits in a chair across the desk. "Albus. There are two girls I worry for this summer. They are second years. Last year they stayed for the holidays. But they also stayed part of the summer."
Minerva sat in the closet covering her mouth stopping herself from saying 'we are so screwed.'
"Yes. That is odd. If you don't mind me asking, why are you bringing this to me instead of the deputy headmaster?" Albus asks.
The headmaster was hiding back a smile that he showed not a hint of.
"Albus. Starting in just a few months, next school year, you will be headmaster."
Albus nearly fell out of his chair. "Dippet I think you meant deputy." Albus says laughing. "It's an honest mistake."
"No, Albus, I am retiring and you have been doing fantastic work. All the students seem to love you. I think this is a wonderful idea. So does the ministry. What do you say?" Dippet replies.
"Yes." Albus says without hesitation.
"About the girls?" The headmaster brings up again.
"Ah yes, we
When Dippet leaves Albus opens the closet.
Minerva was dusting her arms off. "I really don't think-" she was cut off by her own screaming.
Albus lifted her in the air and spun her around.
"Yes, dear what's the occasion?" She says.
"Headmaster Dippet is retiring." He says cheerily.
Minerva looks concerned. "Darling, why is that cause for celebration? He wasn't that bad. He wasn't bad at all, actually."
"I am the headmaster for next school year." He said calmly. He sat her down on his desk while he sat in the chair.
"Darling, that's fantastic." Minerva said sleepily laying her head on his shoulder and nearly falling asleep.
Albus smiled as he waited for her to interpret what he said. 
Her eyes shot open and she sat up.
"Baby, that's fantastic!" She said again more enthusiastically, kissing him.
Someone suddenly burst in.
Minerva turned around and saw one of the professors looking at her.
"Please don't tell the headmaster." She said.
"Why is this a secret? You know there isn't a rule or anything, right?" The professor said.
Minerva looked at Dumbledore. He spoke up.
"Yes, of course. But we would like to keep our work lives separate from our personal lives." He said smiling.
"You're in the school-" He said looking around. "That's not what I came in here for." He said cutting himself off and shaking his head. "Um. I was wondering. Actually, there are rumors that, uh, the Headmaster is retiring. I was-"
"Yea. The rumors are true." Mcgonagall said excitedly looking at Dumbledore.
"But like-" The professor continued.
"There will be a dinner in the Great Hall explaining everything." Dumbledore said smiling.
The professor nodded, still slightly confused.
"You won't tell?" Mcgonagall asked.
The professor turned.
"I don't understand your secrecy, but no professors, I won't tell anyone." On that note, he smiled and walked away.
When the door shut Mcgonagall backed away from Dumbledore.
"That was too close, Love." She said.
"Like he's gonna tell anyone, please. He is the last person to be spreading secrets. Besides, even if he does everyone will blow it off as a rumor. We have no reason to worry." He said getting closer.
Later in the Great Hall, the Headmaster Dippet was giving his retirement speech.
Some people were clapping and some people were crying. He announced that Dumbledore would be taking over and all that was heard from the student section was applause and whistling. Dumbledore was a respectable man at Hogwarts, so it only made sense that he was the next Headmaster.
However, there were two students that had snuck off into the girls lavatory.
"Allie, what?" Addie half screams.
"Don't. Yell at me." Addie responds taken aback.
"Sorry, I just, want to watch Dad's speech. I mean he will probably just say thank you and tell everyone to eat but still." She laughed.
"Ok. I just don't know what to do. I don't want to talk to mum and dad, I don't want them to freak out." Allie said.
"What happened?" Addie asked her.
"Um. I saw the guy who." Allie said looking up.
"Raped you. Allie, you can say it. He raped you. You have to tell mum and dad. Or the police. Someone." Addie said.
"If I tell dad he will expell him and if I tell mum she'll damn near kill him." Allie explained.
"He was a student? Allie I can't handle this. I'll talk to you later." Addie got up and walked to the Great Hall.
Her secret plan was to tell Mcgonagall because she knew that he deserved more than a few years in prison or expulsion. She knew that her mum was the only person that was going to give him what he truly deserves. Death.
She walked up the professors table and looked at everyone. She smiled and waved a little bit then whispered to Mcgonagall.
Mcgonagall stood up very quickly and pretended to ask Dumbledore's permission to be excused. She then followed Addie to the hallway and told her everything Allie told her.
She put her hands together and brought them to her face while closing her eyes. After a few seconds she looked at her daughter.
"Addison, it is very important that you tell me his name."
"I think she said Isaiah Ficus." Addie said looking a little confused.
"Baby, I need you to be one hundred percent sure." Mcgonagall said in a panicky voice.
"Um, yea. I'm sure." Addie said confidently.
Mcgonagall ran to her office and found papers. By now the meeting was over and the students all had a bit of free time before bed.
She found Isaiah in the courtyard and asked to speak to him.
They went to a more secluded area where it was unlikely anyone would find them.
Her polite smile turned into anger as she pulled her wand out.
She pinned him against a nearby tree and put her wand against his neck.
"If you tell anyone about this meeting I will end your life. Got it?" She threatened.
"Y-yes ma'am." He said very scared.
"And if you touch my daughter again, look at her wrong, breathe in her direction, you are going to beg me to kill you. Do you understand me?" She whispered.
He nodded.
She let him go and he ran back to the courtyard.

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