3- Give them a hug, they're the best thing.

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Ruby rushed down the stairs. It was her birthday and Hitch had promised he'd send her something on her birthday. She was turning sixteen yet she felt no different to yesterday. One glass of banana milk and a jelly donut, breakfast sorted. She brought her food out onto the front garden taking a seat on the deck chair. Bathing in the sun with her sleeping shorts and a t-shirt which she stole from Clancy. She watched the road waiting for the postman or delivery guy to bring her birthday present. Chucks, she missed Hitch.

Ruby had been sitting there for nearly half an hour and there was still no sign of any birthday present. But there was something else that popped up. Well, someone. He walked up to her past the two cars in the driveway. Ruby stood up to greet him. She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly breathing in his smell. She was addicted to his smell, that was the only reason as to why she had his hoodies and his t-shirts in her wardrobe.

"Hey, Rube. Happy birthday! What do you want to do?" He whispered, stepping away from the embrace. Ruby looked down at her feet. She wanted to go out and have fun but she also wanted to wait for her present. Hitch had promised her. And he never breaks a promise.

"I don't know, I'm kinda waiting for Hitch. He promised that he'd send something to me on my birthday."

"Well, why don't we go inside and wait? Also, is that my t-shirt?" He teases her, trying to lighten up the mood. She grinned at him.

"Well, I can't help the fact that you smell so nice." She said leaning in, touching her nose against his. "I guess you'll just have to buy some more. Mr I'm-Ambassador-Crew's-Son."

"Rube, don't make me blush." He whispered, feeling the heat creep up his neck.

Suddenly, Ruby placed a quick kiss on his lips before taking his hand and pulling him inside. He tripped over his own feet as he was dragged up the stairs and into her bedroom, leaving the door half open.

They flopped down onto Ruby's bed at the same time. They spent a good solid half-hour chatting and less laughing away. Ruby looked at her wrist intending to check her Bradley Baker watch, only to realise that she didn't have it anymore. It has often felt weird. Not feeling the weight of it on her wrist or an occasional buzz. No flashing light no nothing. Just her bare wrist.

Then it hit her. She would probably go check if her present had arrived. But did she really want to leave her warm bed with Clancy by her side? She dismissed the thought and sat up running her fingers through her hair.

"Hey, where you going?" Clancy asked, nuzzling his head into the crook of her neck. He didn't want her to leave. He just wanted to stay there and snuggle up next to her. He felt cold and alone without her.

"Thought, I'd just go check if Hitch is here yet," Ruby said walking towards the door, leaving Clancy.

She ran down the stairs, flinging the door open. She felt like she was 5 and it was Christmas. She checked the box but there was nothing there. Ruby looked around checking her neighbour's letter boxes too. It was late afternoon now. No postman was going to come at this late time.

Disappointment flood through her. Maybe he was never coming back. He could be dead for all she knows.

"Hitch, you promised me. You said you'd never break a promise, so where are you know?" She whispers staring out into space.

How could he? How could he leave her alone like that? Ruby cried out in anger. Why? Disappointment, anger. She hated it. Why?

"Please, come back Hitch. You promised."

She was bawling now. Tears running down her face. She dropped down onto the floor. She wept as the sun lowered in the sky. Betrayal. It hurt. It hurt so bad. Memories of him flashed before her. He had been Ruby's mentor since the beginning. He taught the child spy so many things. He was like family to her and it hurt when he didn't appear. When he didn't come back. Because he was important to her. Because even though she knew that there was a possibility that he may never come back she had hope. But when hopes and dreams are crushed it can do all things to a person. It crushes their heart. It tears them apart. Life doesn't feel right. Everything just feels wrong.

Clancy stood at the door. Watching Ruby cry on her birthday. And it hurt him so much to see her so broken so upset. So torn apart. He walked up to her and picked her up off the floor- one of his arms tucked under her leg and the other wrapped around her shoulders. She gripped onto his shirt still bawling her eyes out. He hugged her closer to him as he carried his girlfriend back to her room.

"Hey, hey. Don't cry." Clancy whispered trying to calm her down. "Maybe he's delayed on his way back. I'm sure he'll come soon."

Clancy sat down on the bed leaning against the headboard, Ruby still in his arms. Ruby was devastated, she was practically grieving over him. Because she knew from the beginning that once he was gone he was never coming back. She already knew all this, yet the reality was too much.

"Ruby stop crying, stop it. It hurts me to see you like this." Clancy pulled her up so that she was sitting and kissed her forehead. "Stop it." 

He hugged her tightly and she hugged him back nuzzling her head into his shoulder. They just stayed like for so long, so wrapped up in each other, that they fell asleep. Still embracing each other. 'Cause someone once told Clancy that hugs are the best thing.

***before hitch left***

Clancy looked down at the crumpled piece of paper in his hand.

Give her hug when she needs one. They're the best thing.
- H

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2017 ⏰

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