Can Anybody Hear Me

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"Lilac, Lilly!" I search the house in earnest. Tears fall on my cheeks as my search comes out unsuccessful. I drop to my knees in tears, "Oh my God, Oh my God! Why is this happening to me!" I get up and wipe my face and face the task before me. Since their is no service I need to find a rangers station and a walky. I go to the kitchen, grab a flashlight and the hammer by the door and make my way to the trail map. Their is a supply box by the map and a break it open, "what?" Their is a bunch of newspapers, old newspapers. An article catches my eye, a one about three teenagers that were found dead. "What the.." I read more and to my horror the teenagers were found dead in the cabin, murdered by being unwillingly hanged. I drop the newspaper and scream. I look to the map and see that the rangers headquarters are down trail see about half a mile from here. I turn on the flashlight and run.

I make it to the ranger station, which seems to be deserted. I run inside and find the walky in seconds. I speak into it, "Hello, I don't know if you can hear me, but my name is Hannah Lovett, I am in trouble and need assistance immediately, One of my friends have been killed and the other two are missing, please help." I listen for an answer. And their is none. I talk again, "Can anybody hear me?" 

No answer. "Well, well, well. I see you took the bait." I hear a mans voice and turn slowly, he is holding the heads of my friends. I scream and fall onto the ground. "Please, pleease, pl pl please!" My eyes fill with tears. He drops theirs heads and walks towards me. I grope for a weapon. My hand finds the hammer I dropped.  I grab, stand and hide it behind my body. He comes closer and shows his rotted out teeth. I take the hammer and swing it as hard as I can against his face. "Damn!" He falls to the ground and I run and scream as loud as I can. "Stop!" Something forceful swings me against a tree. The voice gets louder and more monotone. I open my eyes and my vision is blurry. I get up and stumble towards the cabin. I run as fast as I can, and I probably look like a drunk. Colorful lights shine in the distance, "H Help me!"

Something tugs at my neck an I am swung up into the trees. I kick and scream. I am in a noose. I look down and see two police officers. "HELP, HELP!" I look at them and they look up, "Oh my god! We have got another one call an ambulance!" The male one says into his speaker. One of them scales the trees and reaches for the rope, I can barely breathe at this point. I hear a wail and see the other officer run off, "N no." The other officer cuts the last string on the rope and yells, "OK, catch her."  I hit the ground gulping in the air, I know for a fact that my ankle is broken due to the extreme pain I feel. The officer picks me up and starts to walk towards the cabin. 

I hear him gasp and he spits blood on my face, he drops to his knees and I roll out of his grasp. I look up to see my captor, "Wait, pl please." Grabs me by the ankles and drags me away from safety. "HELLLLP ME!" I scream through choking sobs. The last thing I will ever see is the rope.

The End.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2017 ⏰

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