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(Warning gruesome)

  Milo was asleep. He couldn't really do much being three years old. But when his Mama yelled something that disappeared into his ears, he woke up.
   That's when he knew that war was upon them.
He didn't know what war was, but his Mama told him about it.
"Stupid war. Stupid government. Stupid life. Honestly Milo, can't they be as smart as you?"
So when his Mama yelled,
  That's when Milo grabbed his blanket and walked downstairs.
  "Mama?" he asked.
Her eyes widened and she began to cry.
  "Milo. Run baby. Run." She pleaded.
  "What? What can a three year old do?" A man with black clothes asked the others. "Come here or your 'Mama' gets blown to bits!"
His Mama cried harder.
"...Me, Me, Me, Me, Me, TAKE ME!"
When Milo didn't come, the man took out a gun.
"Do you like to paint boy?"
Milo nodded. He loved to paint!
The man pushed his Mama into the wall and pulled the trigger against her head and her brains splashed against the wall.
"Paint with that, boy."
He walked over to the wall and began to paint the blood over the wall. Spreading it over the area like red paint as the warm blood dripped down the walls.
  He was three, he didn't know his Mama was dead and he was painting in his Mama's blood.
  "I like this paint!" He smiled.
Then they proceeded to take him.
Age 4
They had him strapped on a table.
The young boy was screaming for his Mama as they injected needles into his arms and legs.
Age 5
The last Doctor screamed and shot himself in the head. Milo watched, intrigued. He could telepathically communicate now. He couldn't speak due to all of the injections.
So he drove the Doctors insane with telepathic communication.
Age 6
He sat with a boy who had black hair and blue flecked red eyes. His hands held something. A picture. Of a woman.
'Who is that?' He communicated
"My Mother... what about it?"
He smiled.
  'My Mama gave me up. She hates me.'

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