راه افتادن the start.

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Fire which Burns within me has capibility to burn the world outside me. The seed of love has bestwren into my heart has now caught Roots deep into my heart. Another second without his semblance can make me to give up on my breaths.
His redolence acted as oxygen to me .
The blood was little less and he was little more into my veins. Every second every minute I waited for him, in words my world was completed​ before him but after him my soul got completed. Year's has passed, still when i close my eyes i find him somewhere near somewhere around me scratching on wall of memories reminding me some of the most beautiful Memories which we shared in presence of each other !
Do he miss me ?
As with every single breath i miss him !
Do he feel so incomplete as i do without him ?
If yes then why did he left me?
The Battle of questions was going in his mind.
There are millions Stars in sky but non can replace moon,
There are billion people in world but non can replace him.,
"LOVE" it was just an word for some and for others it Was just an feeling but for me it has became life.
What is love?
What comes first in your mind?
Romeo and Juliet ?
In the pages of history there is no story great as Romeo and Juliet !
But was that an happy ending?
True love doesn't needs any happy ending, anything which ends was never love.
Where sacrifice of Romeo gave animation to there love,
Where love of Juliet asked for sacrifice of his life !
No this not love for me this is just tragedy .
Love is when on the shore of euphrates Abbas radia talah anha died fetching water for hussan (a.s) love is When bibi sakina was begging for his uncle abbas life from allah
When this words " ya Allah spare my uncle's life and I'll never ask for water again" came out from her mouth.,love is when Hazrat Abbas' effort to satisfy God and carry out his duty, astonished the world. In Karbala Yazid's troops cut the water supply to the Imam's camp. When the young children could no longer tolerate thirst, Hazrat Abbas volunteered to bring them water. But this was almost impossible.

With his courage, he drove away hordes of enemies and reached the banks of the River Euphrates. Although he was thirsty himself, he never drank a drop of water. After filling the goatskin water-carrier, while he was making his way towards the Imam's camp , the cowardly enemy attacked him from all sides. One of his hands was severed when he was struck from behind.

He fought single-handedly with his left arm, which was also severed by the Omayyud marauders. Nevertheless, he spurred his horse towards the Imam's camp hoping to take water to the thirsty children. Alas, he was not destined to do so. The enemies burst upon him like a pack of jackals and shot arrows in his eye and at his chest piercing the goatskin water-carrier and making the water flow on the ground.

Hazrat Abbas thus drank the cup of eternal martyrdom in this valiant name and the memory of this great sacrifice will remain eternal in history. In 10th muharam even many non-Muslims bow at the threshold of Hazrat Abbas in Karbala and beseech God Almighty through him.

This is loyalty this is devotion.
Let me take you to a mystic journey where love is just not feelings or lust where meeting of bodies is lust and meeting of souls is love. Let gets to story,
These questions where battling in mind of mouwalana Rumi absense of hazrat Shams left him soul less,
Now for him the night's where darker and day's where scarier.
Now he was an living body with wandering soul.
Now mouwalana rumi was lost in rythim of hazrat shams and with him entire universe was swirling​ and mourning in pain because they had lost there moon.,
To be continued...

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