the start.

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Meeting of two bodies  gives worldly pleasure, meeting of two souls gives you eternity peace.,
On roof of palace angles cannot find there​ lost camel,
As on silken carpet solemn was not able to find god.

Fortunately i got saved,
It was third stage of lung cancer.
Well chances where high that i can get saved because cancer yet didn't reached lymph nodes it is still in one lung .
With hell lot of weakness i opened​ my eyes,
First thing which i saw was my long lost friend adara.
In slow tune i asked nurse
How long before did she fell asleep?
She said before doctor confirmed that there are 80 % of chances of you being alive
until that she didn't even blinked.
Thank you i said
She said you are very lucky to have her ma'am in this world of mean people you have a really loyal and caring friend.

I gave her smile
she woked up and said
How are you feeling?
Taking deep breath i said yes okay call them up !
And as soon my friends got the news that i am finally awake they all came into room like flock of sheep
After an gradual meeting i was tired and decided to take rest and was thinking.
I went deep into flow of thoughts and ended up on story of how rumi and shams met.,
In pin drop silence there khalb (heart) use to talk.,
there feelings use to speak which was left unsaid by lips.
He was ocean of knowledge,
And rumi was thirsty traveler.
He wanted every single drop of that ocean !
But unfortunately ocean is to large to fit in chalice.
Obsession or addiction both are bad in any field
Either it is drug or human both are dangerous in way.
Drugs addiction plays with mind,
But Human obsession hypnotize you and leaves you soul less ​.
Love is like a sky with billion stars.
As no star is same there,
Here no love story is same.
If you fall in love with face
You will start hating after one​ night on bed.
If it starts with soul then i don't think there will be any​ end to it.
INFINITY dreams in small eyes
With sand like time.
After recovering from hospital I went to my home and decided about to find what is haunting me so much,

why my lips are scared to utter good bye to the one i see falling,

why can't i save him or let him go away,

so decided to let my soul free in finding all these lost answers... 

and began my conquest in search of what my soul was seeking for. 

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