2. See No Evil

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My eyes darted to each corner of the room, observing it. It's been moved around 3 times since I moved here. By here I mean my father's place. Who knew he would own all this.
A mansion. I hate it. Looking at a mansion is pretty cool, having a spacious room is excellent. But having more than 6 rooms? I think you should just call it a hotel. Alot of people get lost in this place. Especially my little step sister, Lacy. She's only 4 but out of all these people, Lacy is the best. By 'all these people' I mean all the people that love here. Father, his wife -Kathy-, Kristie and Alex - the twins-, Tristan, Heather and Yasmin - the triplets- and lucky last Lacy. If you haven't noticed Kathy, the mother, wanted their kids to spell out her name using the first letter of theirs. Lacy didn't make the cut, Kathy didn't want her and that's kinda how it went. Until I got here, nobody cares about Lacy. Lacy was barely 3 months when I got here 6 years ago. But I'm glad I got here when I did because when I stepped through that door all I heard was "shut up you little runt" and I knew from then on I must protect Lacy. This family was cruel.
Complete shit, my father cheated on my mother the day she went into labour, he wasn't there to help her get through the pain, he wasn't there at all. He showed up 3 days later and told her he had a business trip.Totally.
I lost a brother, no, a twin, that day. His heart failed just before my mother gave birth to him. I would've been older than him by 3 minutes. But no.
My father didn't even care. He left when Kathy rang him a few months after I was born, she told him her water broke and that's when he left. He picked up everything, money, clothes, the essentials, then left.
That was it. No seeing him again. Well not until my mother died.
But I should probably tell you how old each of them are, shouldn't I?
I prstically put it in order but didn't put their age, but okay here it goes;
Kristie and Alex (girl and guy) are 22
Tristan, Heather and Yasmin are 16
Lacy is 5
and me? Well I'm 17. Actually, I'm 18 tomorrow.
They never celebrated Lacy and ours birthday, well actually they didn't even know when my birthday is. But I like It that way. Lacy and I usually hang out on our birthdays.
Father got me a car, a 1967 Dodge challenger, it was black with a white stripe down the side. All the people here are spoilt, like they all have 4 cars each, get what they want, and if they don't, they have a tantrum, the start fights when they don't get what they want. It's very annoying.
It's a shame I know when they're going to die. They don't know that I know. They have an orange glow above their head where it shows how long they have left. For example Lacy's says;
60 years
11: 58: 39 pm

It shows, how many years, the date of the death, and what time her death will occur. It's painful to know when someone will die, but at least she still has a long time before dying.
I finally decided to get out of my luxiourious bed and head to the bathroom, cleaning up and doing my business. Ya know the usual. I had to get ready for school and today I decided on wearing black ripped skinny jeans and a jaws tank top with a black hoodie over it. I put some black hightops on and put my bright red hair up in 2 braids before looking in the mirror. I wasn't badass or known as the bad girl, I was just Carmen, a girl that has bright red hair living with the populars. Yup, you guessed it, the triplets are popular, well 2 of them anyway. Tristan and Yasmin are popular while Heather sits back and watches the show with a smirk.
Alot of people don't like the way I look, the intimidation my face brings can scare some. I mean it's a good thing looks are disieving, right?
I have a lip piercing and eyebrow piercing. But that doesn't make me bad.
I do have a secret though. I smoke. Nobody knows, well I hope not anyway. But I do smoke, I smoke all the time and the story to why I smoke is for another time. But I will tell you, I smoke everyday, I have deodorant and perfume in my car, a secret compartment filled with backup cigs and deodorants, I have an air freshener and a dangly thingy that radiates a smell of coconut. A car freshener? Anyway, I smoke on the way to school, if school stresses me out, I'll have a cig, after school on the way to pick up Lacy, but I don't smoke with Lacy in the car.
I grab my phone, wallet, keys and bag, made my way downstairs to get Lacy.
"Lacy?" I ask
"In here" she yells from the lounge room, i make my way to her to see she is struggling to put on her shoes.
"Why won't they get on. What the fuck" she yelled
"Lacy" my eyes widen "language" I add chuckling
"Can you help me" she asks
I help her put her shoes on and grab her bag, making our way to my car.
She gets in the back and buckles up. I put my stuff in the front and started it up. The engine roaring to life makes Lacy giggle and it's adorable.
When we finally got to Lacy's school I helped her out and she gave me a big sloppy kiss on my cheek and I just chuckled before taking her into the building and taking her to her class, awaiting for the teacher. I looked down at my phone to see it was 8:30 And the teacher was late. The parents started to panic.
"Hey, I'm willing to watch them while you's go to work" I say to a bunch of parents and they all nodded before taking off. The kids were hysterical.
"Who wants to play a game?" I ask
They all stopped messing around and nodded.
"Okay, everyone sit in a circle." I say smiling and they all sat in a nicely formed circle.
"Lets play charades" a kid yelled and they all agreed.
A boy got up and started dancing like a flamingo, a girl got in and stood up. It went on like that for a few more minutes until I heard the rustling of keys, I stood up and looked over at the teacher.
"I am so sorry I am late. Oh my goodness, I work up late and then got stuck in traffic" she says panicking
"It's fine, they're just playing charades" I say and the lady finally looks up.
"They all left about 10 minutes ago" I answer her facial expression.
"Thankyou dear, thankyou alot" she says before clasping her hands together grabbing the attention of the kids.
"Well kids let's get up there shall we" she says smiling. Lacy runs over to me and hugs me tightly.
"Have a great day at school kiddo" I say smiling
"Have a amading day at school too" she says, I chuckle at how she says amazing; I'm gonna have to teach her about a and an. I mean I am a grammar officer okay. Don't judge me.
"You go to school?" The teacher; ms.Pearl, asks
"Yes I do" I reply
"Oh wow, you had Lacy at a young age didn't you" she says in a semi-nice tone but her facial expression said otherwise.
"Yeah, but I mean, I'm glad I did. Without her, I would be nowhere and have nobody to live in the mansion with." I told ms.Pearl and her reaction morphed from disgusted to gold digger alert. She mumbled something and then took them upstairs.
"If she gets angry at you for no reason, you tell me. Okay?" I tell Lacy.
"Okay" she says smiling
I watch her walk up the stairs to her room and then I make my way to the car.
What a bitch.

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