Chapter two

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I got this written quite quickly but it only has a couple of hundred words. My phone's about to run out of battery so I'll leave you now..


A voice slides through the crack in the walls. Dodging every brick and slice of crumpled paint.

It is urgent. 

"I heard you outside," it says, a harsh whisper, "you are a girl, correct?"

Subject #20 presses her ears to the wall and calls upon the words that she has learnt in lessons.

There is silence and subject #12 looks back down at the stone floor forlornly. The silence doesn't last long though, and a roughly composed answer back is stumbled across soon after.

"I, uh, am female," the broken reply is, and subject #12 breaks out grinning and his eyes shining. 

"You were making a noise, weren't you?"

"I was,"

They are both smiling now, excited about finding a friend in a world of darkness, sharp turns and grey concrete.

"You were struggling outside," he says, his voice sounding harsh, as if he were spitting with every word, "I wanted to help you, but I couldn't."

His voice is damp, definitely quite high but lumpy now, from all of the strange, foreign liquids swimming through his blood.

She understands him, but does not answer yet. Mainly because she is frightened of the one person that she looks forward to seeing every day look down on her as if she were nothing.

He is the one part in her life that she looks forward to, even if her life only consists of needles and blood. She doesn't want to ruin what she has and and what her life has come to.

She thinks about what happened, her mind racing at all of the new things that happened to her.

On the other side of the wall, subject #12 is scared of her reply.


"Take them out again," the scientist says with a flick of his wrist and a lack of sympathy in his eyes.

Two scientists barrel past him and open the door six and the door seven, grinning whilst they do so, as if everything that happened in that laboratory was a cruel game that they played for their own amusement.

Inside the cells, the children are huddled up against the walls. They are smiling, just like the scientists that put them there were. They hadn't smiled in so long.

So very long.

When they come face to face with their captors though, they stop and their faces become what they were before. Dull, sad and useless.

The scientists pay no notice towards what they look like and instead grab their collars and pull them upwards, the same bored expression on both of the scientists faces.

They then walk past nonchalantly, each having a struggling child in their hand and the other hand in his pocket, as if this were a daily occurrence which, the subjects guessed that they did, in a horrible way. 

The children have never been pulled out of their prison in this manner before? Is something happening, something that has never happened to them?

The captors are excited but their faces remain still.

The children are terrified but their faces are twisted careless features.

An expression has no value towards a doctor.


They get outside and look around. Subject #12 can feel the familiarity of the situation bubbling up inside him but doesn't say anything. He knows what is going to happen. The scientists can tell that he knows and they chuckle slightly, as if his worry brings around their amusement and entertainment.

"You know where to take them," a voice says. The head doctor, they guess, as the rest of the scientists nod and comply with ease and little expectation towards more orders.

"They are well trained," she notes, and her stomach growls with fear and lack of substance.

This is a bad thing, as it shows the subjects that the scientists will not hesitate to do what their boss orders, however bad it may be.

It is bad, they can already tell.

Their captors bring them to a ring, carelessly fashioned, and place them in the middle.

The layered stone is cold and the freezing wind easily seeps through the thin hospital gowns that each are wearing. They are both shivering and their teeth are are chattering.

"Are you ok?" subject #12 whispers to subject #20 and leans in close, so she can hear everything he has to say.

"Yes, I think," she replies back, using the same actions as he just did, with less ease and practise. She is not well informed when it comes to actually speaking to people.

They sit there, in the middle of the ring, for a little less than 5 minutes before subject #12 decides to speak up again.

"I think I know what they want us to do."

His forlorn voice and expression surprises her but she listens to what he has to say. Nothing good ever comes out the prison, so whatever words he says next could potentially save her life.

"I need to kill you."

And just like that, any emotional connection that she has towards her prison crumbles onto the floor.

No more rest for the innocent.

Ok that's it for this chapter. It kind of crumbled and Sebastian and Ciel aren't even in it yet! But hopefully it'll move along quickly and they'll arrive.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2017 ⏰

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