Child!Pokkle x Child!Male!Reader

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I'm making you both 9 years old in this alrighty?? You are bullied in the beginning and that's just it

(Y/n) Point of View

"Huh, it's the little crybaby now!" The bully found me and yelled. 

"I bet he's going to run and go to his mommy! Oh wait, he doesn't have one!" The other ones found me and snickered. 

They started walking towards me while I looked at them in fear and tried to run away. It was a useless attempt.  I tripped on a rock causing me to fall down scraping both of my knees. The bullies laughed at me and picked me up by my (H/c) hair making me look at them in terror. Tears trickled at the ends of my eyes as I closed them and accepted my fate.

"Hey! Get away from him!" I heard a voice shout.

I heard some fighting happening, a few thuds, and some whimpering. 

"Oi, guys! Let's get out of here!" I heard one of the bullies screech. 

"Hey, are you alright (Y/n)?" I heard the shouting voice from before now came closer but his tone changed to a more soothing tone. 

I knew I heard that voice before. It was my best friend and crush, Pokkle. I opened my eyes slowly to see his beautiful face and I blushed before answering his question. 

"Yes Pokkle, I'm okay. Thanks for helping me." I flashed him a smile.

I tried getting up but my knees hurt too much from falling. I got up just to fall down again. 

"Hey, (Y/n), stop trying! You'll get hurt even more! Here... just get up on my back." 

Even though he was the exact same age as me, he was way stronger than me. I accepted his offer and got up on his back. We were both orphans, so we lived together in the forests and alleys at our village. Nobody wanted any dirty little kids. Pokkle took me to the cave we were living in now and sat me down on our huge worn-out blanket we found one day. 

"Here, um, let me just get some water and I'll find some cloth for your knees. Okay? It might take awhile but just hang in there." 

I nodded and he went off to get water and cloth. I wish I could tell him my feelings. He would just think I am weird and never talk to me again. Or even worse, he will leave and I'll never see him again. I stopped thinking about these thoughts when Pokkle came back.

"Okay, here you go (Y/n)! I found some cloth and I got some water from the river!" He exclaimed and walked towards me.

I thanked him and he wrapped up my knees to stop the bleeding. He handed me the water to drink and he lies down next to me. 

"Hey, Pokkle?"

"Hmm?" He grunted in response.

"Can I...c-can I c-cuddle you?"

He was shocked at my question but he accepted and my face lit up. I dug my head into his chest and I listened to his heartbeat.

He wrapped his arm around my neck and he whispered. "I love you."

I whispered back, "I love you too Pokkle" before falling asleep on his chest.

Well, I'm done! I hope you enjoyed! I know Pokkle isn't a main character but he's awesome so I made this and I love him. well... Thanks For Reading!

anime males x male!reader [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now