Kylux (TFA)

157 7 4

This next request is from hazeIIvsque .

What do I think about Kylux? I don't think it exists. Armitage Hux is completely gay for someone who's dead, which of course would be the man that I hate, WILHUFF TARKIN. Kylo Ren seems to have know sense of romantic feelings anyway. He's too caught up in his "Dark Side Antics." I see very little to no chemistry between them, as it looks like they'd rather bite each other's nape off rather than ever become a loving pair.

I suppose some of the fan service that goes with it isn't too bad. Still, not my ship of choice. If only one of them admired me. Then I might reconsider my attitude towards this ship.

Overall rating: 2/10

My gay OTP! 10/10 ~ derp_eyes.

Director Orson Krennic Reacts to Ships (and other stuff)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt