Cancer Ships

428 12 14

Cancer's Turn...

Virgo: ...

Capricorn: Well... I'm out. *goes to his room*

Aquarius: *embarassed... Goes to her own room*

Virgo: Okay... Just leave me be.

Pisces: ...Virgo, do you not see me.

Virgo: Oh, I didn't see you there, Pisces.

Pisces: -_- *sits next to her* What else is there? ... Besides Caprigo.

Virgo: Shush!... Well, there's... You and Taurus.... There's Aries and Gemini..... There's Cancer and... Me...

Pisces: Oh, do you like him?

Virgo: *ignores her* There's you and Cancer...

Pisces: Huh!?

Virgo: And Cancer and Scorpio...

Pisces: Wut?

Virgo: ... And Cancer and Taurus...

Pisces: That's not even a rectangle anymore. Why are you saying that when Cancer is just right there?

Virgo: Where?

Pisces: There. *points to Cancer who's just standing there the whole time*

Virgo: Oh... *nervous laugh*

Cancer: Uhmm...

Virgo: How much did you hear?

Cancer: ... Everything...

Virgo: (O_O;)


*door opens*

Scorpio: Yow, Cancer. Just bought us some snacks. *throws a Doritos to Cancer*

Cancer: *catches it* Uhmm...

Scorpio: What...? *walks over to them, opening his own bag of chips*

Pisces: Now kiss! I mean... Hi...

Scorpio: Uhh, yow?

Aries and Taurus: *goes downstairs*

Aries: *sits on the couch with his feet on the table*

Taurus: Hi, guys. *takes a chip from Scorpio, sits next to Pisces* Hey, Pisces.

Pisces: Oh... Hi, Taurus. ^///^

Virgo: Psh, lovebirds.

Aries: Are you just saying that because you can't get Capricorn?

Virgo: How did you know about Capricorn!?

Aries: Wow, you really like him? Ha, I'm such a good guesser.

Virgo: -_-#

Aries: Is that a book? *looks at a page, reads* then, Cancer leaned on Scorpio's shoulder... Uhmm... Okay...?

Virgo: *hides book* You saw nothing!

Aries: I still remember the rest... Cancer leaned on Scorpio's shoulder while Taurus watched jealously from behind.

Taurus: ... I'm scarred for life...

Virgo: It's just a book!

Pisces: Did you pick that up from Capricorn earlier?

Virgo: No!

Scorpio: I think I'm scarred for life.

Virgo: Sheesh, stop making a big deal out of it!

Taurus: Triggered much?

Virgo: ...

Pisces: There was also a line that said... Virgo attempted to flirt with Cancer that day, but Cancer didn't notice. Capricorn then came and she took interest in him instead... Or something like that.

Virgo: How did you even read that!?

Pisces: I'm sitting next to you...

Aries: The cringe is real though.

Taurus: True.

Scorpio: Well I don't mind. *gives Cancer a single peck on the lips and goes to the stairs* Come on, Crabby. Let's go watch Netflix.

Cancer: ๏////๏... O-okay... *follows Scorpio upstairs*


Aries: ...But the TV is right here...


Well, sorry for the cringy chapter... But eh, I'm just too weird. And sorry if it wasn't as expected.

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