The break up

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Lauren - I really love Alex but I also really love Baz. (Text Swoozie) what do I do.

Swoozie - Well Lauren you kinda have to make a choice I mean do what makes you happy.

Lauren - I think I'm gonna break up with Baz.

Swoozie - if that's what makes you happy then go for it.

Lauren - (text Baz) Hey Baz I need to talkm

Baz - Whats up baby.

Lauren - Baz I really love you and your a great guy but...

Baz - But what...

Lauren - I love someone else.

Baz - Who?

Lauren - Alex Wassabi.

Baz - But I'm way better then him I could beat him up.

Lauren - Baz its not about that.

Baz - Then what is it about?

Lauren - I'm sorry Baz I have to go.

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