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Lindsey knew that he couldn't tell Kristen right now, he realised he was going to have to be horrible towards Stevie if it meant staying married for a while longer

"Stevie, you know that I love you and that I want to be with you and want a family with you, but just give me sometime."

"I can't give you anymore time! I need you now!

"Baby! It's not a good time!"

"It's a good time for me!"

"There's more than just you in this relationship!"

"I'm never put first! I deserve to be for once!"

"I have to put William first! Always!"

"What about the baby that we might have? They need to come first too!"

"I have to worry about the one I have now!"

"They could be in there!" She held her stomach

"I have things that I need to do first!"

"Forget it! I don't want you if you can't make the effort!"

"I am trying! You are asking me to leave my family! Do you understand that?!" He exploded

"I'm your family!" She screamed back

"As of right now Kristen and William are my family!"

Stevie stopped still, her eyes filling with tears, her heart physically hurting

"I don't want to do this if this is what our relationship is going to be like...."Lindsey said quietly

"I'm going home..." she said crying, getting off the bed and covering herself

"Stevie! Baby, come on!" He followed her

"Leave me alone..." she sniffed, grabbing her case and putting it on the bed

"Please don't leave me...."

"You've practically just told me I'm nothing to you, so don't you dare ask me that!"

"I didn't say that! I didn't say anything close to that!"

"I feel like your family! But as of the right now I'm not family to you!" She took her clothes from the rail

"We'll tell Kristen today! I just can't lose you!"

"It's to late! I thought you were different from the other guys...truth is you have the power to hurt me so much more than they ever could..." she wiped her tears away furiously

"Because I am in love with you..."

"If this is what it feels like, then I don't want to be in love!" She clutched at her chest

"Please don't say that... I'll tell Kit myself if I have to."

"Tell her whatever you want...I'm going...thank you for making me feel special for five minuets"

Lindsey began to sob, "I love you!"

"And I love you! But I know you don't really want to leave the family you have, stay with them, give Kit the baby that she wants..."

"No! I want you!"

"If you did you'd have told her by now!"

"It's only been a few days!"

"You think it's not going to last don't you?" She suddenly realised that's exactly why he was holding back


"Am i to wild to be tied down hmm?"

"Stop putting words in my mouth!" He yelled

"You think I'm going to go on tour and sleep with anything that looks my way?" She got closer

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