Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Harry's POV

I didn't intend to yell that loud to Alyssa. But its all true.

"A, I'm sorry. Its just, its hard."

"What's hard, Harry?"

"Seeing you with one of my best friends. It always happens to me. I liked Sky first but Louis just HAD to meet her! Now you? I'm lost."

"I'm sorry, H. You don't deserve it. Nobody that's good deserve anything bad. But guess what? We still have to pay 3$ for gas. Welcome to the real world." She retorted. I dropped her off at the hospital not saying a word. There she goes. Alyssa. Not my Alyssa. Just Alyssa.

Wait a second. The thing! Crap!

"Alyssa wait up!!!" I yelled after her.

"What now?"

"Remember the thing I bought while we were shopping?"

"Yeah. You wouldn't tell me what it was."

"Because it was for you. When we went to the mall I knew I had to buy you something. It represents that even though I cant have you, I'll still always need you. Here."

Alyssas POV

He wrapped the necklace around my neck, fastening it on. Its was beautiful.

"Harry. Why?" Was all I could say.

"I just told you." He laughed.

"Thank you. Its perfect."

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