Happy With The Results (Sterek Oneshot)

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  It was a quiet Sunday. Stiles was fumbling with the laundry and Derek was quietly resting in the one empty room in their house. The only piece of furniture was a dormant white chair and had a perfect spot under the sunlight coming through the window. Christopher, their child, came crashing into the room with the sounds of explosions vibrating from his lips. In response, Derek immediately flew out of the chair and ran around with him.

  He scooped little Christopher up and fell back in his chair, nudging the boy's nose with his own. He giggled and Derek-- finally out of Stiles' sight --allowed himself to praise the moment because, really, little Christopher was the cutest thing since Stiles' moles.

  "Hey, Daddy?" he chimed with his fingers playing with Derek's stubble.

  "Yessy?" he responded, loving how he could actually respond like a doofus without his actual doofus husband cracking up.

  "How'd you and Papa meet?" And Derek couldn't help but laugh. Oh, how the perverseness of how their story began was nothing but something to laugh at. All he could really say was something like, 'Oh, we met at a place where people get money by entertaining their guest!' When, in adult context, it meant that he'd met Stiles at a gay strip club and Stiles had his legs working lovely circles around a golden pole.

  "Well.. It's a place where people dance on a stage and, um.. Make their guests very.. excited!" To which Christopher tilted his head and gave the most mischievously adorable grin.

  "Do those people make their guests happy?" And Derek was screaming internally at his son's curiosity.

  Definitely Stiles' son.

  "Yes," he said between chuckles, "yes, they do. And, maybe one day you'll be there too. I just hope not in the way of which Papa had chosen.."

  "How did Papa choose to do it?" he questioned while playing with Derek's ear.

  Honestly, he'd never felt so close to hitting himself since the time he accidentally dropped Stiles.

  "Well.. He, um... He.."

  Pull it together, Derek. He's just a kid!

  "He.. used his body," he said. Christopher squinted then smiled and his big brown eyes latched on to Derek's. He rested his forehead on the boy's and quietly hummed.

  He was so happy right here and right now. He had a kid at age six and a sarcastic dork of a husband whom he trusted with his heart and his secrets and he had never been so completely content with his life decisions until now.

  "Ahem. Am I interrupting?" The two flinched and immediately looked towards the doorway. Stiles sat with a peaceful smile, arms crossed and was leaning against the frame. His even chocolate eyes were relaxed and shining at the sight before him. Derek, at the moment, was speechless.

  "Papa!" Christopher shrieked with a laugh.

  "Hey, buddy! Hayley's here for you! She's in the living room with Uncle Scott!" Christopher immediately popped off Derek's lap and sped past Stiles. And as soon as Stiles heard the chattering and thumping of Scott and Allison playing with the kids, he closed the door and sauntered right over to Derek.

  "You seem happy," he teased while he toyed with the man's hair.

  "I was.. Until I saw your stupid face." Stiles gasped in mock surprise and jerked back.

  "Excuse you, but I have a stupidly perfect face, as I recall you mentioning the month after we met!"

  He moved to sit on Derek and let his legs hang over the arms of the chair. Derek's hands slid on to his hips and played with the hemming of his shirt.

  "Yeaaah, but it's still pretty stupid. You've got a constellation of moles and your eyelashes are longer than Arizona, along with a pair of overly pink lips and a ridiculously curved nose," he taunted.

  "Well, sir. You're no better off, if I do say so myself. With those bushy eyebrows and bunny teeth. And, geez! Could I cut myself on that nose!" he paused to poke the tip. "But, those eyes. I could see the universe in those eyes. And, don't forget the lips! Never forget the lips!" he finished as he traced gentle circles on Derek's neck.

  He gave one peck on his forehead, two on his cheeks, three across the jawline and then a kiss on the lips, sucking lightly and then grinning like an idiot. Derek smoothed his hands up Stiles' sides and back down and soon it became a wonderful pattern.  Stiles had his forearms resting at the top of the chair. Within seconds of Derek finding a sweet spot and prodding at it with his tongue, the brunette's heart ran laps in his chest and when he finally decided to pull away, it seemed to get a little more vicious with each throb.

  "I... am very happy you can still do that to me..." he beamed.

  "Would I still be your husband if I couldn't?" Derek inquired.

  "Shut up," he giggled. Derek sighed in relief, again taking in the satisfaction he felt right here. The house was mostly quiet and it was peaceful even outside, which was odd for Beacon Hills. But, it was a nice change.

  "I hope it stays like this.." Stiles marveled. Derek smiled with the light gleaming in his eyes. "What?" he asked.

  "You stole the words right out of my mouth," he mused.

  "Then, allow me to put them right back in." The brunette leaned in for another kiss and they managed to fit in a good three seconds before little Christopher and giggling Allison came tumbling in. Stiles immediately pushed himself over the side of the chair (flailing arms and all) and stumbled upwards. Christopher, of course, missed the entirety of what they were doing while Allison stood with a dull blush creeping over her cheeks.

  "Hey, guuysss," Stiles mumbled. Scott could be heard cackling in the background and Hayley was grinning in the doorway. Allison chuckled a bit herself before Christopher decided to speak.

  "You guys should play with us!" he sang. And almost instinctively Derek popped up and chased  the boy out of the room. Allison grinned at Stiles playfully.

  "Sorry. He ran for the door faster than I could tell him no."

  "Nah," he waved it off. "It's all good! No worries!" She smiled with a laugh and Stiles urged her out so they could join the others.


Okay, so I had major troubles posting this one. I wrote Allison in before 'Insatiable' aired and well... um.. I really miss her. She meant so much to me..

But anyway! All doom and gloom aside, I was working on this a while back and decided to post it because... well, I think we all need some happy time away from the actual show.

I love you guys and just want to say, stay strong. The Winchesters will help her out hopefully. <3

~Kisses from Stiles, Derek, myself and one last special one from our beloved Allison Argent. <3

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