one: saying goodbye

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"Momma, you have to promise that you're going to take care of Lauren. Please just promise me that. Don't let Dad get to her when he's messed up," Scott whispered while hugging his mother goodbye.

"I....I'll try. It's gonna be so hard without you here Scott. I wish you didn't have to go."

" I know momma, but you're strong. You have to stay strong for Lauren until I come home."

"Oh son, you haven't even left yet and I already miss your handsome face," Connie sobbed out.

"What's all this cryin about?" boomed Scott's extremely drunk father as he entered the foyer. "I'm glad you're going to that stupid magician school. One less ungrateful mouth to feed."

"Richard Hoying! At least show a little respect for our son! 'That stupid magician school' is only the best school of witchcraft and wizardry in the world!" But he had already left the room, probably to pour himself his fifth glass of vodka.

"Momma, it's okay. He doesn't get it, and he never will. I've learned to accept it. Where's Lauren, I need to say goodbye to her and get going to the train station."

"In her room, playing that weird online game like always."

"Momma," Scott chuckled, "it's called Tumblr and it's not a game, it's a social media website."

"Oh, well whatever it is, she's obsessed with the fanfiction on it, not that I know what that means either."

"Yeah....I'm gonna go say bye to her now before this gets really awkward really fast," Scott said as he ran to his 10 year old sister's room. He quickly stop to check out his reflection in the bathroom mirror. Same blonde hair, blue eyes, and scrawny frame as last time. He knocked on the cracked open door gently and smiled as he faintly heard the music of Nirvana, his sister's favorite band, playing from her iPod shuffle. Scott couldn't believe how fast she was growing up; it felt like yesterday when he would sneak into her crib with her to sing her lullabies while his parents argued loudly downstairs. For a moment, Scott reconsidered going to Hogwarts. What if he hurts her while Connie's not home? She's still just a little kid, she can't defend herself. Scott felt so guilty for leaving Lauren in the "care" of his father, but there was no way he would pass up this opportunity to go to the best school in the world. Plus, she would only be alone for one year and then she could come to Hogwarts too. "Hey sweetie, can I come in?"

"Give me a sec," Lauren called through the bedroom door. There was some shuffling and then a slightly red-eyed, blonde haired girl opened the door for Scott. "Oh no, are you leaving?" Lauren asked once she saw that it was Scott.

He walked in and sat down on Lauren's bed as she sat in her desk chair facing him. "Unfortunately, yeah, I am. It's okay though, I'll be back before you even know I'm gone." Though Scott's words were reassuring, he struggled to keep the waterworks in. He was going to miss his little sister, his sunshine, so much. He just hoped his mother could keep her safe while he was away at school.

Unlike Scott, Lauren was unable to stop the tears from streaming down her face as she jumped up to give him a bear hug. "Can't you just take me with you? Dumbledore is nice right? He'll let me go a year early. Please don't leave me here alone with them!" she cried as she held onto her brother.

"I wish I could honey, you know I do, but it's not allowed. Don't worry, next year will come soon and then we'll get to go together. That'll be so much fun right? Just try to look forward to that." It was getting harder and harder for Scott not to cry, but he had to stay strong for his sister. "Come on, I'll carry you downstairs."

"Well, I have to go or I'll miss the train. I love you guys. Stand up for each other please, can you do that for me?" Scott said to his mother and sister at the front door. "Don't let him get to you." With that, Scott hugged his family one last time and headed off to the train station. Finally, he had taken a step forward in his life. He only hoped the people he left behind wouldn't take a step backwards.


Mitch could not wait to leave. Sure, his parents probably meant well, but did an 11 year old really still need his parents to monitor his every move? Some privacy would be appreciated, thanks. Whatever. In precisely 1 hour and 13 minutes, he would leave for the train station and get away from these annoying parents, judgey school, and stupid town. In 1 hour and 13 minutes, he could start fresh.

"Mitchell, breakfast is ready!" His mother's screeching drowned out the EDM playing from his headphones as he picked out an outfit.

"Almost ready!" Mitch shouted back as he chose a subtle pair of jeans and and band tee. He quickly checked his pitch-black hair in the mirror and ran downstairs, where his parents awaited him with unreadable expressions.

"Now Mitchell," his father started, "We know that you're probably pretty excited for this school year away at Hogwarts, but we want to make sure we can always check in on you and see how you're doing. Mitch dreaded what came next, but was pleasantly surprised by his parents for once.

"We bought you an owl!" exclaimed his mother, pulling a somehow hidden cage from behind her back. She set the cage on the table for Mitch to admire. And it was something to admire. It was a snowy owl, the kind Mitch had secretly always hoped for. It's feathers were snow white with small patches of grey. It had pitch black eyes and a beautiful beak.

Mitch was shocked that his parents had done this for him. "Thank you. Thank you so much!" He said to parents after staring at the bird.

"Now, you have to remember the reason we got this for you. If you ever need us, just send a letter with this guy," his father said, referring to the owl. "And don't worry, we'll send you letters at least twice a week". Mitch groaned as he said that.

"You guys are gonna embarrass me. I thought you wanted me to make more friends this year"

"Oh honey, everyone will wish they had parents like us" grinned his mother. "Now hurry up and eat your last breakfast here before it gets cold.

Once Mitch finished his breakfast, he went up to his room one last time to make sure he packed everything he needed. As he checked his bedroom, he sang quietly to himself. Mitch enjoyed singing, but he didn't know if he was any good because he wouldn't let anyone ever listen to him. That and no one except for his parents ever really showed interest in hearing him sing. Mitch didn't really have any friends at his old school, except for that one weird girl who always hung around him. He didn't mind though. He liked the solitude. It wasn't like he got bullied or anything, other kids just thought he was too intimidating to talk to.

Mitch checked the time on his iPhone and realized he was running late, so he quickly jumped up and ran downstairs. He hugged his parents goodbye quickly and somehow dragged all of his luggage out the door and down the street to the train station. Maybe this was the fresh start Mitch had needed all his life. Maybe.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2017 ⏰

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