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Hey guys this is my own love story with all the real names in it. The actual story is a figment of my imagination but all of our names are real.

The characters in this book is:


The shy girl, but who isn't so shy around her friends. She has brown hair with hazel eyes, and pale skin with freckles and glasses.


The shy guy, but he can be confident at times. He has tan skin and brown hair, and brown eyes.


Maci's best friend in school. She has blonde hair, tan skin, and Johnny Depp glasses. Yes I said Johnny Depp.


The basketball jock. Tall, tan skin and brown hair that spikes up in the front.


Main characters other best friend. She is taken by Bryce, and he is one protective boy. Boys better not mess with him or her. She is a blonde with regular color skin (yeah I don't know either), and glasses.


Victorias boyfriend. You mess with him, your getting the fire of both of them. He has ginger hair, with freckles and pale skin. He is about the same height as Victoria, but almost as tall.

There are many more characters to come but for now this is all we got!

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