chapter 4

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Maci's p.o.v

I wake up on the cold tile in the hospital, clutching a piece of metal. I scramble up and brush off the imaginary dust dramatically. Where is everyone? Didn't they see a hospital patient lying there on the ground?

I sigh loudly, and walk in the direction I think is my room, until I hear voices down the hall. I then go into full ninja mode sliding against the wall and peeking around corners, until I can hear what they are saying clearly.

"...let her know we took him, it will just cause more drama." I hear a voice.

"But I want her to suffer!" What? I thought hospitals were supposed to make people feel better...

"Its obvious she likes him already," Who is this she we talk about?, "She will put the pieces together eventually."

"What are you going to do before then?"

"The usual."

"Can I help?"

The other woman growls, "No, he is mine."

"Do you think she will give you alpha?" I gasp, but then cover it up with a hand over the hole it exited from.

"Yes, she is too soft to let anyone die over something as 'stupid' as that."

"I should probably get back before anyone gets suspicious." I can recognize that voice now...

"Good luck stalling that bitch."

They say their goodbyes and separate, with no more than a wave.

How could she betray me like that? She was one of my best friends!

One thing is for sure, I am going to kill her. Way before she can kill me.

Victorias p.o.v

"Where the hell is Maci, Katy, and Justin?" I ask to anyone in the room. Speak of the devil, here comes Katy.

"Are they going to let her leave?" Bryce asks her.

"Yeah, but where is she?" she asks.

"We were going to ask the same thing to you." I say to her.

"Well I don't know where she is, and what about Justin? Anyone have a clue where he went?" Katy says.

"He was coming to look for you, then Maci left to find him." Sophia says.

I catch a bit of sympathy in Katy's eyes, but she quickly covers it up, "Well we probably need to find them."

I get up along with Bryce and Sophia and start walking out of the room. Just as we are exiting, I am pulled behind a fake tree.

"Maci-" I am cut off by a shush.

"I need to talk to you."

"What is it?"

"Okay well first things first I am a werewolf, just to get that out of the way, and I heard that my sister kidnapped Justin so that I would give her alpha. Katy is helping her, so don't trust her. I need your help to find him, and I sound like Dora the Explorer.."

"Wait wait wait, hold up, your a what now?"

She sighs, "A werewolf."

"Maci I don't think those things exist."

She rubs her  temples irritably, "Do you need proof?"

I nod. She closes her eyes, grows a substantial amount of hair, and opens her eyes back up.

"You happy?"

My mouth gapes open as I nod.

"Good." she changes back to where she is normal again.

"Now will you help me?"


Justins p.o.v

I wake up tied to a bed in only my boxers.

Well shit.

The door creaks open, and I see a woman in only her underwear with blue hair.

I can guess what happens next.

"I was going to do that while you were knocked out, but I decided not to." She straddles my waist.

 "Where am I?"

"You are in my basement."

"Who are you?"

"I am Maci's older sister."

She tries to kiss me, but I refuse.

The next few things don't belong in a PG rated book.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2014 ⏰

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