...Season two information + prize details

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Hello again fellow competitors...
Here we are again with some very major details that you might want to know about TheGiggleAwards.

1. We need competitors in categories with one entry to start. So please tag as many people as you can before June 21st

2. Inline your comment to officially enter. IT IS A MUST.

3. Do not classify your book as something it isn't. Like a book categorized as Fantasy in the Teenfiction sign up section.

4. There are prizes! Yay! If you win, you will get a 'TheGiggleAwards' winners sticker to put on your book as well as your book in our reading list!

5. If your book has more then 15 chapters, it will be judged based of the first fifteen and the last chapter.

6. You can not participate if you have won a season's award of any kind.

7. Yes, if you're NOT participating, you can be a judge! Yay! So if interested do visit our judge sign up book!

Do follow us for more updates!


THE GIGGLE AWARDS : season two [closed]Where stories live. Discover now