Breaking the Record

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Wandering forever in the dark. His mom and dad just dropped him here. Why? A four year old wandering around the dark streets, trying to find his parents.

He didn't know where he was, his baby blue eyes darting everywhere. He spotted something moving in the shadows, and followed it. "Maybe it will know where they were!" He thought.

The child followed the figure to a dark alleyway. It was scary. Then he heard a noise and jumped. He turned around only to be met by nothing. He breathed a sigh of relief. It was short lived though because when he wasn't looking, two hands came up. One held a cloth and he swiftly held it to child's noise and mouth. Then it was all black.

Cory jolted out of sleep. Another nightmare. His black hawk wings uncurled themselves from his body. He wished he knew what they meant.

    Cory didn't know much of his horrible life. You'd think it was exaggerated. But it wasn't. He only knew that he was created by these people. These awful people. They do these horrific "tests" on him.

    Cory was only a weapon, just a project for these people. Not a person. He has never had seen the outside world. Yet he knows of it. One mistake the scientists made was by giving him an extremely high intelligence. He already figured out that he was between a tug of war.

Due to these visions, he realized he was considered valuable. He has been taken many times. That is probably why he is in a very secured location.

    The door opened and in came one of Cory's least favorite person. Well actually he didn't have favorite people. Mostly because all of the people he has met harmed him in some way. He swallowed. The torturer was here.

    Cory's cell door was opened and immediately he was grabbed roughly and a knife cut his side. He winced, but he had worse. Much worse.

    Cory was roughly escorted to a barely lit room. He pushed to his knees with his head down. Then he started to get whipped.

He endured them all without a sound. All 125 whip lashes. Cory was bleeding but he was thrown back to his cell.

He curled up in a ball, his wings limply on the floor. This was his life for as long as he could clearly remember, for the rest is just a big blur.

It's full of experiments, tests, and torture. A small piece of stale bread was thrown at him. Now it's covered in his blood. Cory didn't care, it was food, and he tasted his own blood numerous times.

Later in the day he was in the testing chamber get electrocuted. This test was one he already did, they just wanted to see if he improved and if he could withstand a higher voltage for a longer time span.

Cory was at 72.6 voltage power and the test has prolonged for around 45 minutes. Now he was at 83.1 and 30 minutes has pasted. He wasn't screaming yet.

An hour passed and he was reaching 100 voltage power, he was shaking slightly and grunting here and there.

124.5 power and he fell to his knees breathing heavily. Almost there.

Fifteen more agonizing minutes later, he broke his record of going beyond 130.2 power, but the shocks didn't stop.

Finally he couldn't hold it in anymore and let out a pained scream.

Minutes after he was just a limp lump on the floor barely conscious. He wasn't reacting to the voltage. The testers turned the machine off and guards came to collect him.

He was carried to his cell and laid there, going to sleep. Whether it was from blood loss, the experiment, or just tiredness he didn't care. But unfortunately he didn't get the slumber he wanted.


Word Count: 641

There you go! My new story! I am making this with my friend @ForeverPartying and it would mean a lot to us if you go check her out! She has an awesome story called The Ones Who Remake Us which inspired this story! She is a very good friend of mine! Please vote, comment, and follow! I'll see you in the next galaxy! CYA!! <3

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