A Brother's Angel: Chapter 8

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We got out of there as soon as we could. I carried Julia and Dad carried Mom out of Hell and we went through the Lower and Middle Realms with no problems other than the occasional glare and screech from a demon. Dan and Dad took all of our hands and teleported us to our house, where I laid Julia on the couch and checked her for injuries. She had a large, bleeding gash from the front of her ribs to the opposite hip. She was slipping and didn’t know it. She looked at me with large frightened eyes and was pale from head to toe. 

    “A...Alex..” she whispered.

    “Yes, Julia?” I replied, caressing her face.

    “I..is it over? Are we safe?” she asked trembling.

    “Yes, it’s all over. You’re safe now. I won’t let anything get you ever again.” I replied, holding her close. I felt her trembling in my arms. I tried to see if I could speak into her mind for a second.

Julia, it’s me. Can we talk for a moment?

No response.

Julia, can you hear me?

Yes, I can.

Good. I want to ask you something.

I do too. You first.

Are you saved?

I had no doubt of it, but I wanted to be sure.

Yes, I have been since I was a little girl.

Good. Just wanted to make sure.



A...Am I dying?

I looked her over and I could see the life blood draining out of her.

Julia, you will be safe with me.

Her lips trembled and she started crying. The stress of the events and that ugly wound were killing her. Her little heart was giving way. My lips began to tremble at the thought of her dying and I felt silent tears spill down my cheeks. I loved Julia.

    “I love you too, Alex. I..I have since fifth grade...” she said with her breath slipping. My mom rushed over and noticed blood all over her couch.

    “Julia!? Oh My Gosh! Call an ambulance!” mom yelled hysterically while reaching for the phone.

    Julia was quick and frailly grabbed her hand, “I..I don’t have t..time...t..tell my parents I love them so much...and if you stay....I want you to have my puppy.”

Mom looked exasperated and finally breathed out, “I will, dear. I promise.”

Julia smiled a little and looked at Lillian, whom I had yet to meet. 

    “When I get to Heaven, can we still be friends?”

Lillian grinned at her, “Best friends.”

Dan crossed over and put his hand on Julia’s cheek. He whispered something to her and she grinned. Julia looked up at me and smiled...she breathed a few gasping breaths and closed her eyes for our sakes. I held onto her hand and cried for her. Her family. Her friends. The future she would have never had. I held her in my arms and just cried.

Dan put his hand on my shoulder and told me to close my eyes. I did as I was told and I saw a flash of light and a small scene. It was me and Julia. We were taking a walk and laughing and having a good time. I couldn’t see the place where we were, but I saw my red wings and beautiful gold and white wings on her. I opened my eyes and smiled at Dan. Then something hit me. A foul stench.

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