Take some rest

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I can't believe that idiot just went. What was that all about, without any notice. She seemed a bit weird after we went to find out treasure box but then again her father did die. How can she leave to America straight after that. I walk downstairs and approach my mum without saying a word.
My mum then speaks up, "are you seriously not going to do anything because Kazuha is gone?"
"No don't be an idiot, I was just wondering how all this happened so quickly..."
Yeah a bit too quickly. Like it was all planned. I run out of the house and make my way to the police station.

[present time]

I continually shoot and shoot until the bell rang. It felt a bit like school but obviously this wasn't school, this place is just to torture us.

Game master speaks up " Well done, as I said 10 of you will be eliminated for this round. I'll take in the score board and you guys can rest."

"Rest where?" A girl speaks.
"I don't think we're gonna be taken to a luxury hotel and such. It's going go be here I presume." Tae speaks.
"What a smart boy" the game master then replies.

-later at night-
I can't sleep not with 40 random strangers and seeing 10 people die today and 10 dying tomorrow. I could here show one come in and I don't dare to move. Were they dragging something. I open an eye go to check and seeing Tae was doing the same thing. The men in black were dragging people from our groups and taking them somewhere. I can't understand the whole situation.

-the next day-
I didn't get any sleep and especially seeing them drag people from their sleep. What were they doing.

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