Donquixote Rosinante // Wife

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The sky was dark, droplets of rain fell from the sky, followed by thunderstorms that kept on creeping out once in a while.

The boy on your lap kept on twitching, scared by the noise that the thunderstorms made. Hugging him with some pat on the back, you tried to soothe him.

"It will be okay, Law. Shh.." You whispered, hugging him even tighter.

As you were calming the 7 year old boy, the door of your bedroom crept open with a little knocks.

"Can I come in?" a manly voice asked as a tall shadow walked closer to you, closing the door behind.

Voices of giggles filled the room, you mentally facepalmed. "Cora," you looked up, looking at the man. "You're already in."

The blonde man took a seat beside you, taking your left hand and started to rub your knuckles. "Is he alright?" He asked, a content look plastered on his face.

You smiled, returning the sweet gesture. "Why don't you ask him yourself?"

Shifting himself a little closer, Rosinante let go of your hand. "Law." He called. As he received a humm from the boy, he continued "How's you?"


You turned Law's body around, making him to face Rosinante. "Do you have anything else to say?" You asked, reminding the boy of what he always wanted to say for some quite a while now.

The boy looked up, calling the blonde man's name. "Cora-san.."

Finding the gentle expression of the blonde man, Law guiltily look down, holding the hem of your skirt. "I'm sorry."

Was not expecting of what the boy said, Rosinante tried to process his words.

Grinning, Rosinante ruffled Law's hair. "No worries, buddy."

"C-cora-san!" The boy hold his hair together. "Don't do that.." He pouted, unimpressed of the ruffling.

Failing of the attempt of holding yourself together, you giggled. "You both are so cute~"

"Not as cute as you are." Rosinante shot back, still grinning.

You turned away, trying to conceal your flustered face. Ughh.. Such a smooth talker.

"Cora-san, you shouldn't flirt with (F/N) like that." Law frowned as he noticed your red face.

"Why not?" Rosinante asked, confused by the saying that he shouldn't flirt with his own girlfriend.

"I'm planning to make (F/N) my girlfriend." Law stated in a matter-of-factly.

Oh boy

Hearing of what the boy just said, your just turned even darker shade of red. The fact that it was already red due to Rosinante's compliment didn't help the slightest bit.

Rosinante managed to catch on your reddened face. A slight jealousy hit him.

"Oh yeah?" Rosinante raised an eyebrow as he responded back. He admitted he was being childish. Why would he be jealous by a 7 year old kid? "Just to let you know, Law," Rosinante smirked, he cannot help himself of thinking of losing to a kid. "(F/N) and I are actually dat—"

"Cora." You cut him off, unimpressed by the fact that he was about to tell an innocent 7 year old kid about your relationship.

Law smiled wickedly, the thought of winning you over led him to an overjoy feeling.

Catching Law's mocking smile, Rosinante scowled. An idea then come across his mind of a great comeback (and secretly a dream).

"Then, I'll make her my wife."

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