Eustass Kidd // Timeless

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It was a rare chill day at the Kidd Pirates' ship. Yes, you were fortunate about it — you really were. No yelling. Pretty odd, you could say. The captain of the ship, Kidd, was out to town with his right hand man, Killer. Their excuse were to buy some electrical components. Oh, and you had no choice but to believed them, hoping that the troublesome captain and his right hand man wouldn't create an uproar in the town. Which they always did.

And so there you were, alone on the ship with Heat and Wire, who also apparently broke your rare relaxing time. This chill moment was not an everyday thing and you just had to enjoy it to the fullest, okay?

"(F/N)." You heard a manly voice calling for you from behind. It was Wire.

"Hm? What is it, Wire?" Closing the book that you were reading, you sat up and turned back, facing the man who just called you.

Wire walked closer to you, Heat followed. Their eyes showed curiosity. They both stopped and took seats beside each of your sides. Wire at your right, and Heat at your left.

The man at your right decided to speak up, while Heat just stared at you, as if he was just following along whatever Wire was going to say. "You know, I've been wondering for sometime now. Why did you joined the crew? I mean, it's odd you know, for someone like you?"

He was right. It was odd for someone kind, loving, mature and pretty like you to join a cruel, merciless and troublemaker pirates. On top of that, it was the Kidd Pirates.

You thought for a moment, recalling the first time met Kidd. It was 15 years ago, the year that you could never forget.


You ran as fast as you could, not wanting to waste anymore time. You were running to the sea — towards the source of the little child's cries for help. Feet stepping on the shallow water, you were standing in front of the child. You bent down and grabbed the him, away from the water.

"Don't cry, come, everything's okay." You tried to reassured the 7 years old as you pulled him away from the water. He had red colored hair, which gave an impression of a fire — a soaked fire. His body was weak due to the water that was literally drowning him.

"Ughh— hahhh!!" the red head boy coughed, trying to breathe properly. The boy fell on his knees, droplets of water wetting the golden sand.

You patted his back, helping him to regain his breathing back. "There, there." You watched, as he coughed some more.

"T-thanks, onee-san." said the child, who was still breathing deeply, trying to inhale as much air as he needed. His coughing stopped.

A curve was drawn on your lips, forming a genuine smile. "Your welcome.. What happened? Did the water waves dragged and drowned you away?" your voice showed concern as you ask the boy.

The boy shook his head. "N-no. It was me. I wasn't being careful enough." his face turned red, embarrassed of his stupidity.

Patting the boy's head, you tried hold your giggle. Hell, he was a cute boy! "Please be careful next time, alright? What's your name, by the way?"

Of course, you just had to ask this cute boy's name.

"Kidd, Eustass Kidd."


Up until this moment, you still remember your 7 years old captain's voice as he introduced himself to you for the first time.

It was one of your precious memories that you didn't want to forget.

"I once helped the captain," You answered Wire, who was intently looking at you, waiting for your response. You smiled and continued "and let's just say, life brought us together."

Tilted his head slightly, Wire asked "What is that supposed to mean?"

You grinned at Wire's simplicity. "It's exactly what it means."

Groans then escaped from both of your sides. The two men were annoyed and not impressed by your answer. "Ughh, (F/N)! Stop playing with us! Seriously, I don't like this side of yours."

The captain also didn't like this teasing side of you. You were just talented at teasing other people— which sometimes led you to troubles, though.

"Alright, listen. It's Kidd, he offered me to join the crew." You gave in.

Because he didn't want to leave me. And I didn't want to be left alone. You silently thought.

You were just twelve when you first met him, and as time went on, you grow up together with the younger captain. He was a troublemaker boy, and you couldn't help but to be there for him whenever he was hurt.

At the age of seventeen, Kidd decided to leave the town to set sails and you joined him. Eventually you couldn't help but to fall in love with the fire headed man. Little did you know, he fell in love with you first.

His and your love were timeless.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2021 ⏰

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