Your Worse Then Nicotine

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Katt's P.O.V

"Dallon..." my voice trails as we grab are starbucks coffee from the teenager working behind the counter probably saving up for a new car.

"Yes love." he takes a sip of his black coffee with two sugars.

" saw Madison the other day. At the mall..." I bite my lip as we walk down the street placing by all the thrift stores.

Its been 2 months since I last saw her in Castro and I made sure I didn't see her. But those two months she never left my mind. All I could think about was that girl. I thought I hated her but really I have no reason to hate her, she should hate me. Like I walked out on her. Mother like daughter I guess.

"Oh no...what happened?" Dallon knows me so well. He knows trouble follows me, I dont have an angel and devil on my shoulder. No I have a devil and a devil always telling me to do the wrong thing and never the right thing.

"Well we went to the Cheesecake Factory for lunch...shopped at a few stores...she has a show in a few weeks, you know she's helping with some bands on flute and bass parts. Mostly solo artist but helping out, maybe she can help you guys one day, you know with like background stuff..."

"Katt get to the point...what happened?" Dallon cut me off. 

He knows me too well

"Well...we kinda...made out in her car..." I look down at the ground biting my lip counting the little yellow weeds growing on the side of the sidewalk as we walk by. 


"Kattarina Quinn Turner! How could you do that?!"


"Do you want Spencerto kill himself! You know what happened when Lexi died,this will laterally kill him!"


"Kattarina! Answer me!"

"My names not Kattarine Tuner know that...soon it will be Kattarina Smith.."

"But for how much longer? Your falling back for her Katt...Spencer needs you, he doesnt need a broken heart."

"You shouldn't be the one talking Dallon. You know Ryan had a hard childhood and tried to kill himself so why are you cheating on him with Brendon. He loves Brendon, they have a daughter."

"Katt dont turn this on me...."

"Why!? Because you know I'm right! You know that your in love with Brendon but can never have him! Your probably just a toy for him! New dick to suck!"

"He loves me! He told me!" I can see the anger in Dallon's eyes. I knew that he liked Brendon but didn't know he would actually try to fuck him. I know they have been for a while. Brendon and Dallon are always working on the new album and Ryan's working on his while taking car eof the baby so he never has time to have just him and Brendon time. He tells me how he misses it. Brendon on the other hand is now fucking Dallon so I know Brendon doesn't miss Ryan so much.

I chuckles slightly "He's married to Ryan! He LOVES Ryan! He doesn't love you Dallon!" right then I feel a strong open palm hit on cheek. 

"Oh my god...Katt I'm so sorry.." 

"Fuck you Dallon.." I hiss as I walk away back to my house that isn't far away. I know Dallon won't follow. He'll probably call me tonight after his done "writing songs" with Brendon and apologize for being a dick and hitting me. Everything will go back to normal. And I mean normal, no more Madison, no more hook up's, just my amazing boyfriend soon to be fiance Spencer. That's it. The Urie-Ross's have there own problems that I won't help get back to normal.

###################AUTHOR'S NOTES########################

Sorry for not updating but I'm back! YAY! XD

Um I really have nothing to say but comment so um ya! 


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