Come at Me

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I leaned against the wall, as did Darwin, as we watched Alex play pinball. His score slowly rose higher and higher, and he was killin' it!

My eyes flashed red and he glanced up at me, causing him to lose his focus and lose the game. Even though he as one of the highest scores.

"Dammit! Stop distracting me with that!" He said, emphasizing his words with arm movements.

"Well it's not like I can control what I learn." I smiled.

I looked at the rest of the room and saw that Hank was on the chandelier and everyone else was partying.

"Kids these days." I giggled.

"Yeah." He chuckled and looked down, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"I'm gonna go sit down." I said, grabbing my water off the small counter and sitting in the chair I was in before. I just stared at the crazy mutants in front of me as I slowly sipped at it.

And suddenly, I got a weird feeling.

'Someone is coming.' I sat up and looked at the ground trying to focus on who was coming.

Suddenly, Charles, Erik, Moira, and another agent walked to the window looking disappointed. Charles tried to talk to Alex, but when he said "Alex," Raven insisted "No, it's Havok. That's his name now." She stepped off of the couch and walked toward the window slightly.

"And we were thinking, you should be Professor X, and you should be Magneto." She smiled at the two men in front of her.

"Brilliant." Erik said, slightly sarcastic, though I can tell he liked his code name.

"I expected more from you." Charles said, and the four people walked away.

I ended up using my mutation to straighten up the room a little. We all sat down, except Alex and Darwin, they were still occupied at the pinball machine.

"Someone is coming." I said quietly. Raven, Hank, Sean, and Angel looked at me.

"Who?" Raven asked.

"I don't know, but they're not good people." I said, still staring at the floor.

"Ahhhh!" We heard from the sky. We darted to the window and looked up.

"What is that?" Alex asked, looking at the large dark figure in the sky.

"I don't... know." I replied, trying to see what it was.

Suddenly, half the figure disappeared in a cloud of smoke, sending the other screaming as it fell to the ground. His body landed in front of us, now lifeless.

We jumped back in a panic as it started raining agents. I stepped forward, still looking at the sky. A tornado started to inch toward us from the other side.

A red, demon-tailed man appeared in front of me. Azazel? Yeah that's his name. I thought. As agents filled into the courtyard, he killed all of them. My eyes flashed red.

"Hey!" I yelled, stepping over the window pane.

"Y/n, no!" Alex whispered.

"You know, Azazel, it isn't nice to kill people." I said, sarcastically. "Being run through, or impaled, hurts really bad yknow, so if you could just stop that please?" I smirked, obviously being sarcastic.

He smiled and tilted his head before teleporting in front of me, trying to stab me. I teleported here and there around the courtyard until he caught me.

His sword stabbed through the right side of my neck, right above my collar bone. "Gah..." I sputtered. Gasps and screams erupted from my mutant acquaintances as I fell to the ground, gasping for air. Just when Azazel was about to step through the window pane, I laughed.

An insane laugh.

A laugh you'd hear in your nightmare.

He turned and looked at me as I stood up. The wound started to seal up and was left as a scar in seconds. Azazel looked at me, dumbfounded.

"Yeah. Come at me, bitch!" I said, beginning to use my super speed power to run around the courtyard, getting him to chase me.

He threatened to slit Raven's throat, so I stopped. "And this is why I hate making friends." I mumbled as I walked back into the room, taking Raven from him.

"The mutants? They're in there! That room right there! You can have them! Just let us normal people go!" We heard through the door. The tornado turned into a man with long hair. He stopped on one side of the room as a man wearing a weird helmet walked into the room.

"Is the telepath here?" He asked.

"No. But she is." Azazel gestured to me.
"I see." He said. "I'll leave the helmet on then."

"My fellow mutants, I am not here to hurt you." He said, stepping forward.

"Freeze!" A surviving agent said.

"Azazel." The man said. Azazel teleported to the agent and stabbed him with his sword, then teleported back to his earlier position.

"Ironic." I muttered. "He already stabbed me in the neck." I pointed at Azazel. The man looked at him and shook his head.

"My name is Sebastian Shaw-" when he said that, time froze.

This is him.

The asshole I've been looking for.

I stood in a daze until Angel started talking as she walked away hand in hand with Shaw.

"Come on. We don't belong here. And that's nothing to be ashamed of." She said, looking back at us.

I could hear Alex and Darwin "arguing." In reality they were planning something, not sure what, but they started pushing each other. Darwin started walking away.

"Stop. I'm coming with you." He said.

"And can you tell me about your mutation?" Shaw said after Darwin had walked up to him.

"I adapt to survive." He said. "So I guess that means I'm coming with you." We all walked to the center f the room.

Darwin stood next to Angel.

"Alexxxx!" He said.

"Get out!" Alex said. I walked to the doorway. Alex used his mutation to try and hit Shaw while Darwin protected Angel.

But it didn't his Shaw.

He absorbed it.

My breathing hitched as I watched him shove a glowing ball of light down Darwin's throat. "Adapt to this." He said, and they disappeared in a flash.

Darwin flashed in a metal form, then molten rock, then stone. He reached toward Alex, then crumbled to the ground. Alex stood there, staring at the same spot for a long time. I stayed in my spot by the door.

I slowly walked up to Alex and put my hand on his shoulder, my other following suit on his other shoulder. I gently turned him and led him to the door as I heard sirens, and we needed to get out of the building.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I guided him down the hall. He looked at my hand, finally realizing it was on his shoulder. He shrugged it off and walked away.

I like him, but I'm not gonna get too close.

Not this time.

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